Looping through files in pairs

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# 1  
Old 11-06-2013
Looping through files in pairs

Hi all,

Please guide. It has to do with parsing the input file names.

I have a fairly large number of files, I want to do some operations on them in a pairwise fashion (every file has a pair).

The names are in the following pattern, with the pairs of files named with _1 and _2 , the extension .xy is the same for all files. Also I want to save the outputs in the corresponding somenameN directory. So the output from
somename1_1.xy and somename1_2.xy are stored in the somename1 directory created on the fly.


So I want to do something like

for file in *
   mkdir somenameN  
   do_something_with  file_1.xy  file_2.xy > ./somenameN/somenameN_out

# 2  
Old 11-06-2013
How about:
for file in *1.xy
  if [ -f "$file" ]; then
    echo "$file ${file%1.xy}2.xy"

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 11-06-2013 at 12:48 PM..
# 3  
Old 11-06-2013
I think the key here is to only match one of the pair, for example...
for file in somename*_1.xy ; do echo ${file} ; done


for file in somename*_1.xy
 echo ${file}
...insert whatever magic....

# 4  
Old 11-06-2013
Try sth like
for file in $(ls | sed 's/_[12].xy//' file | uniq)
  do mkdir "$file"N
     do_something_with  "$file"_1.xy  "$file"_2.xy > ./"$file"N/"$file"N_out

# 5  
Old 11-06-2013
while read filename1 && read filename2
done < inputfile

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