Fetching columns from .csv file except last column

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Fetching columns from .csv file except last column
# 8  
Old 10-22-2013
Originally Posted by renuk
i am using this command awk -F "_" '{$(NF--)=""; print}' filelist.xls
GIDW Dly Pmix PL 0 0
GIDW Dly Pmix PL 0 0
GIDW Dly Sls IT 0 0
GIDW Dly Sls IT 0 0
GIDW Dly Sls legacy RO 0 0
GIDW Dly Sls legacy RO 0 0
GIDW Dy Tm Seg Sls legacy PL 0 0
GIDW Dy Tm Seg Sls legacy PL 0 0
GIDW Dy Tm Seg Sls PT 0 0
GIDW Dy Tm Seg Sls PT 0 0

but the "_" is missing in the files ....i need it too

_ is missing since you are setting Field Separator (FS) as _ So it's not getting printed
# 9  
Old 10-22-2013
Originally Posted by Akshay Hegde
_ is missing since you are setting Field Separator (FS) as _ So it's not getting printed
To be more clear here, renuk has the input field separator (FS) set to the underscore character but is using the default output field separator (OFS) which is a space character.

awk -F "_" '{$(NF--)=""; print}' OFS="_" filelist.xls

And PLEASE start putting in CODE tags on your own instead of expecting moderators to do it for you!
# 10  
Old 10-22-2013
thanks a lot Akshay!!
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