Shell Variable

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# 1  
Old 10-10-2013
Shell Variable

Hi Everyone,

sqlplus -s $XXX/$ZZZ <<ENDSQL > /tmp/fictmp$$.tmp

Can anyone please tell me what exactly and for what purpose the "$$" in fictmp$$.tmp is used.

I know very well that its file name but how the $$ value is getting generated.

Thanks in Advance

Last edited by Scott; 10-10-2013 at 04:54 PM.. Reason: Code tags, please
# 2  
Old 10-10-2013
$$ is the process ID (PID).
# 3  
Old 10-10-2013
SmilieSmilieSmilie Ok, Thanks Subbeh
# 4  
Old 10-10-2013
This User Gave Thanks to Yoda For This Post:
# 5  
Old 10-11-2013
Might I suggest that you change your code to move the credentials to within the here document, similar to this:-
sqlplus -s <<ENDSQL > /tmp/fictmp$$.tmp
 select Hello from dual ;

They way you have it coded, anyone could issue:-
ps -ef|grep sqlplus

... and see your credentials.

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