Using sftp from one server to other server

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# 1  
Old 09-07-2011
Using sftp from one server to other server

HI all

I need a script that would take the file from a mainframe to another server.Presently i am using a ndm but i am not knowing what the changes would be required to change to sftp.

Can you please provide some code that would be helpful


Last edited by msandeep27; 09-08-2011 at 07:35 AM..
# 2  
Old 09-07-2011
What is the type of other server ( not the mainframe )?.
If you intend to move the files from the mainframe to some other host that is running some UNIX variants, Then easily you can write some shell script to initiate a connection to the mainframe over SFTP then pull out files to the other host that would be easier as majority of forum members never been exposed to mainframes.
Anyways what type of mainframe OS is this sever?
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# 3  
Old 09-07-2011
Originally Posted by
What is the type of other server ( not the mainframe )?.
If you intend to move the files from the mainframe to some other host that is running some UNIX variants, Then easily you can write some shell script to initiate a connection to the mainframe over SFTP then pull out files to the other host that would be easier as majority of forum members never been exposed to mainframes.
Anyways what type of mainframe OS is this sever?
Actually my file is present in the main frame server and i need to get that file to my unix i am asked to write a script using sftp instead of ndm . As i am totally new to unix so i am not getting actaully how to start can you please help me by telling what would be the script i have already given the script i used when i had to use ndm so now we need to change to sftp.
please reply me as soon as possible i need this very urgently


---------- Post updated at 11:37 AM ---------- Previous update was at 11:26 AM ----------

someone please help me out i need this script as soon as possible
# 4  
Old 09-07-2011
Why not just use scp on the command line (for one file)? If you have sftp, you probably have scp installed... "man scp" should help.
# 5  
Old 09-07-2011
Which machines have sftp servers, and which have sftp clients.
If you have the client software for the mainframe it will likely be easier to push the file the the unix system.
To run it from the unix side, once you have a connection is simply:
$sftp mainframe
sftp>get gh.ij.kl(0) /u/scripts/mn

Is the source file ASCII or EBCDIC ?
What record separator(s) does the source file use?
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# 6  
Old 09-07-2011
Originally Posted by mregine
Why not just use scp on the command line (for one file)? If you have sftp, you probably have scp installed... "man scp" should help.
we cant use scp command because we need to write a script not a command to get those files

---------- Post updated at 11:53 AM ---------- Previous update was at 11:48 AM ----------

Originally Posted by jgt
Which machines have sftp servers, and which have sftp clients.
If you have the client software for the mainframe it will likely be easier to push the file the the unix system.
To run it from the unix side, once you have a connection is simply:
$sftp mainframe
sftp>get gh.ij.kl(0) /u/scripts/mn

Is the source file ASCII or EBCDIC ?
What record separator(s) does the source file use?
Hi jgt thanks for you reply

this is a unix script that we are using to ndm the file form the mainframe server to the unix server.i have confirmed from the mainframe people if we can use sftp to get those files and they confirmed me that i can use sftp to get those files. but for that i need to write a script as i am totally new to unix i am not at all write the code

the code you mentioned were are you passing the username and password to the mainframe server can you please give me the full script ??

it would be very helpful for me
# 7  
Old 09-07-2011
Originally Posted by msandeep27
we cant use scp command because we need to write a script not a command to get those files
That doesn't make any sense. You can use scp in a script.

scp username@host:/path/to/remote/source /path/to/local/dest
scp path/to/local/source username@host:/path/to/remote/dest

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