awk parsing of ICS file

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# 1  
Old 08-23-2011
awk parsing of ICS file

Hi, I am searching for a fast awk hack to eliminate from an ICS file events which have been modified at a certain time.

The structure for parsing is the following:

LAST-MODIFIED:...some date...

If the date matches for example LAST-MODIFIED:20110823 the entire VEVENT (between begin and end) block should not be echoed to standard output; all other blocks should be echoed without change.

Many thanks for any help!
Best, Mike
# 2  
Old 08-23-2011
Have a go with this:

#!/usr/bin/env ksh

awk -v date=${1:-nodate} '
    /BEGIN:VEVENT/ { cache = 1; }

        if( index( $0, date ) )
            drop = 1;
            printf( "%s", cached_lines );
        cached_lines = "";
        cache = 0;

    cache  {
        cached_lines = cached_lines $0 "\n";

    !drop { print; }

    /END:VEVENT/ { drop = 0; }

Last edited by agama; 08-23-2011 at 08:45 PM.. Reason: typo
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# 3  
Old 08-23-2011
Many thanks for your speedy help. This worked just perfectly!
Cheers, Mike
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