error in retrieving records from DB

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# 1  
Old 07-08-2011
error in retrieving records from DB

Hi .,
I have 3 records in a oracle table... wen i connect to oracle from unix environment and query the table i get some errors...

the script i used is

  g=`sqlplus -s "username/password" << EOF
 select column from table;
if [ g -ne 0 ]
echo $g

The output i get is.,
-----------------------: unknown test operator error


if i execute without if loop., i get the records twice(duplicate) but like this

columnname--------- value1 value2 value3----------- columnname value1 value2 value3----------.,

I want only the 3 values (without "----" or duplicate)... anyone help me out...

Last edited by pludi; 07-08-2011 at 03:35 AM..
# 2  
Old 07-08-2011
  1. You have to tell the shell to treat the g as a variable in your if condition (just as you did in the echo statement)
  2. Tell sqlplus that you don't want headings, ... Oracle has a lot of setable variables that influence this behaviour. Just search the site for some examples.
  3. echo, as used in this script, will compact all whitespaces (space, tabs, newlines, ...) into regular space characters. Again, search the site on how to use quoting to circumvent that.
  4. Not yet an error: use $( ) instead of ` `, it's less error-prone
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