Perl connect to remote oracle db without local oracle installation

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Old 08-05-2009
Perl connect to remote oracle db without local oracle installation

I want to use Perl to connect to a remote Oracle DB
I have no oracle installation on my server (and dont plan on installing one) I am using solaris 9 on x86 server.

Is this possible?
I basically want to run some basic sql queries on the remote oracle db which I have access to using perl on my server.

DBI and DBD appear to need a local oracle installation to work....

---------- Post updated at 02:09 PM ---------- Previous update was at 10:13 AM ----------


I managed to get oracle instantclient installed on my solaris 9 x86 server and its connecting using sqlplus without the need for tnsnames.ora successfully now.
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RADSQLRELAY(8)						     FreeRADIUS helper program						    RADSQLRELAY(8)

radsqlrelay - relay SQL queries to a central database server SYNOPSIS
radsqlrelay [-?] [-d sql_driver] [-b database] [-f file] [-h host] [-u user] [-P port] [-p password] [-1] [-x] file_path DESCRIPTION
radsqlrelay tails a SQL logfile and forwards the queries to a database server. Used to replicate accounting records to one (central) data- base, even if the database has extended downtime. The SQL logfile is created by the rlm_sql_log module. The module must be configured in the radiusd server before you can use radsqlrelay. OPTIONS
-? Print usage help information. -d sql_driver Driver to use: mysql, pg, oracle. -b database Name of the database to use. -f file Read password from file, instead of command line. -h host Connect to host. -u user User for login. -P port Port number to use for connection. -p password Password to use when connecting to server. -1 One-shot mode: push the file to database and exit. -x Turn on debugging. file_path The pathname of the SQL logfile to use. NOTES
Oracle driver The command "radsqlrelay -d oracle -b db.domain.tld sql-relay" reads the database description stored in $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora: db.domain.tld = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = db.domain.tld)(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = <DB SID>) ) ) SEE ALSO
rlm_sql_log(5) AUTHOR
Nicolas Baradakis <> 19 June 2005 RADSQLRELAY(8)