Reading long options in C++ program

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# 1  
Old 03-23-2012
Reading long options in C++ program

I am reading arguments passed to a C++ program which accepts long options.

Long options start with '--', with the value joined with the option by an = sign, with no intervening spaces.

An example is as follows:

programName --vdz=15.0

I want to store 'vdz' in variable 'key', whereas 15.0 is stored in variable 'value'.

However I also need to find the character string starting from the first occurance of '='. I call it 'after'. Then assign 'value' by going to the second character position onward.

Code is as follows:
const char* after = strchr(argv[i], '=');
if (after != NULL) const char* value = after + 1;

Well, 'after' can be viewed as the value I want. Thus I am wondering whether I can assign 'value' immediately, or come up with a better descriptive variable name than 'after'.

Any suggestions?
# 2  
Old 03-23-2012
You can eliminate all those variables and cut down on the clutter by doing this...
const char* value = strchr(argv[i], '=') + 1;

but you shold check if strchr returns a non null pointer...
# 3  
Old 03-23-2012
This is what I have.

      if (strncmp(argv[i], "--", 2) == 0) {      // First two characters match '--'.

          // If '=' is detected, point to its first occurrence.
          const char* after = strchr(argv[i], '=');

//          String Name;               // Make it a 'String' so we can use ToUpper.

          // Detected '--key value'. Set key, and get value from next argument.
          if (after == NULL) {
            SKey = String(argv[i]);    // Convert key to 'String' so we can use ToUpper.
            ++i;                       // Move to next argument (one argument forward).
            if (i == argc) {           // Quit if next argument not found, rather than crashing.
              error("Out of arguments");
            value = argv[i];           // Set value from next argument.
            SValue = String(value);

          // Detected '--key=value'. Get value from next argument.
          } else {
            String S = String(argv[i]);
            Search(S, "=", poseq);
            SKey = ToUpper( S.Substr(2, poseq-1) );
            value = after + 1;          // Set user input. "=file"+1 is "file".
            SValue = String(value);

          cout << "Key = " << SKey << ", Value = " << SValue << endl << endl;
          Index += ParseEl(SKey, SValue, Ord);

      } else {

          String Msg = "Long options must be introduced by a double dash '--'. '";
          error(Msg + String(argv[i]) + "'");


So I am wondering what improvements I can have to remove clutter.
# 4  
Old 03-23-2012
As another suggestion, try the getopt_long(3) function, if your system supports it. Maybe you could even build your own C++ wrapper to this function.
# 5  
Old 03-26-2012
Originally Posted by pflynn
As another suggestion, try the getopt_long(3) function, if your system supports it. Maybe you could even build your own C++ wrapper to this function.
Sounds good idea. I am using g++, so should have this option. Would you be so kind to give me an example for it?

---------- Post updated at 05:37 AM ---------- Previous update was at 04:53 AM ----------

Currently for the main programs I call

Parsing  Pc(argc, argv);


Class Parsing is a general function that accepts any arguments, and the checks are done by calling
Pc.GetString("CMOD", S))

This checks through all arguments for CMOD which is the Key and returns S, which is the value (in this case the file name).

Similarly to get a real value, I use

Pc.GetReal("VDX", Vdx) )

The current program is as follows

// -- Program --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//    getvel
//      Creates an "x z v" file for plotting the sound speed values using GMT.
// -- Usage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//    ./getvel Args
//    Mandatory Arguments:
//    Optional Arguments:
// -- History --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//    V01 - DEC 1999 - Luca D'Auria
//          Initial release.
//    V02 - SEP 2008 - Luca Elia
//          Version fixed for g++ 4.3.0.
//    V03 - MAY 2009 - Christopher Dimech
//          Adopted C++ coding standards based on the IBM Standard C++
//          Library Reference Guide and the Ellementel Telecommunication
//          Systems Laboratory C++ Style Guide.
//    V04 - NOV 2009 - Luca D'Auria
//          Code changes after visit to RISSC-Lab.
//    V05 - JUL 2011 - Christopher Dimech
//          Adopted UML 2.3 for documenting class structure.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "Parsing.hh"
#include "GenFunc.hh"
#include "VelMod.hh"
#include "common.hh"


const int  DefKx = 20;
const int  DefKz = 20;
const int  DefKI = 20;

const char  *DOC[] = {
"-- Program --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------",
"   GetVel",
"     Creation of a \"x z v\" file",
"-- Usage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------",
"   getvel model [arguments]",
"     model",
"       Velocity model file (required)",
"     vdx",
"       Interval in x direction in velocity file",
"     kx",
"       Interval calculated with vdx = Lx / kx (Default is 20).",
"     vdz",
"       Interval in z direction in velocity file or",
"     kz",
"       Interval calculated with vdz = Lz / kz (Default is 20).",
"     vdi",
"       Interval along interface",
"     ki",
"       Interval calculated with vdi = Li / ki (Default is 20).",
"     vel or velp",
"       File with P wave velocity in 'x z v' format",
"     vels",
"       File with S wave velocity in 'x z v' format",
"     lay",
"       (on/off). If on output files are in \"x z v l\" format, where l",
"       is the active layer.",
"     intf",
"       Output file for interfaces in 'x z' format, separated by '>'",
"    see HTML help for more details",


int  main(
  int  argc,
  char*  argv[]) {

  if (argc < 2) {                                         // Print documentation
    FILE*  pipe;
    const char**  ptr = DOC;
    pipe = popen("more", "w");
    while (*ptr) { (void)fprintf(pipe, "%s\n", *ptr++); }

  // -- Reading command line arguments -------------------------------------------------------------

  bool  lay = false;
  int  Kx;
  int  Kz;
  int  KI;
  Real  Lx;
  Real  Lz;
  Real  Vdx;
  Real  Vdz;
  Real  Idx;
  Vect2  Xi;
  Vect2  Xf;
  String  S;
  Velmod  vm;
  Parsing  Pc(argc, argv);

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (Pc.GetString("CMOD", S)) {
    ifstream  model(S);
    Parsing  Pm(model);
    Pm.GetVect2("XI", Xi);
    Pm.GetVect2("XF", Xf);
    Lx = Xf.X - Xi.X;
    Lz = Xf.Z - Xi.Z;
  } else {
    error("Bad Vdx parameter");

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  if ( !Pc.GetReal("VDX", Vdx) ) {
      if ( !Pc.GetInt("KX", Kx) ) { Kx = DefKx; }
      if (Kx < 0) { error("Bad Kx parameter"); }
      Vdx = Lx / Kx;
  } else {
      Kx = (int)rint(Lx / Vdx);
      Vdx = Lx / Kx;
  if (Vdx < 0) { error("Bad Vdx parameter"); }

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  if ( !Pc.GetReal("VDZ", Vdz) ) {
      if ( !Pc.GetInt("KZ", Kz) ) { Kz = DefKz; }
      if (Kz < 0) { error("Bad Kz parameter"); }
      Vdz = Lz / Kz;
  } else {
      Kz = (int)rint(Lz / Vdz);
      Vdz = Lz / Kz;
  if (Vdz < 0) { error("Bad Vdz parameter"); }

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  if ( !Pc.GetReal("IDX", Idx) ) {
      if ( !Pc.GetInt("KI", KI) ) { KI = DefKI; }
      if (KI < 0) { error("Bad KI parameter"); }
      Idx = Lx / KI;
  } else {
      KI = (int)rint(Lx / Idx);
      Idx = Lx / KI;
  if (Idx < 0) { error("Bad Idx parameter"); }

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  bool  bvp = true;
  bool  bvs = true;
  bool  bintf = true;
  ofstream  velp;
  ofstream  vels;
  ofstream  intf;

  if (Pc.GetString("VEL", S)) {;
      if (velp.bad()) { error("Bad VEL file"); }
  } else if (Pc.GetString("VELP", S)) {;
      if (velp.bad()) { error("Bad VELP file"); }
  } else {
      bvp = false;

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (Pc.GetString("VELS", S)) {;
      if ( vels.bad() ) { error("Bad VELS file"); }
  } else {
      bvs = false;

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (Pc.GetString("INTF", S)) {;
      if (intf.bad()) { error("Bad INTF file"); }
  } else {
      bintf = false;

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (Pc.GetString("LAY", S)) {


      if (S == String("ON")) { lay = true;
      } else if (S != String("OFF")) { error("Bad LAY parameter"); }


  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  int  i, j;
  Real  v, x, z;

  if (bvp) {
      for (i = 0; i <= Kx; i++) {
          for (j = 0; j <= Kz; j++) {
              x = Xi.X + (i * Vdx);
              z = Xi.Z + (j * Vdz);
              v = vm.VP(x, z);
              velp << x << ' ' << z << ' ' << v;

              if (lay)  { velp << ' ' << vm.GetLayer(x, z) << endl;
              } else  { velp << endl; }

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (bvs) {
      for (i = 0; i <= Kx; i++) {

          for (j = 0; j <= Kz; j++) {

              x = Xi.X + (i * Vdx);
              z = Xi.Z + (j * Vdz);
              v = vm.VS(x, z);
              vels << x << ' ' << z << ' ' << v;

              if (lay)  { vels << ' ' << vm.GetLayer(x, z) << endl;
              } else  { vels << endl; }


  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (bintf) {
      int  NLay = vm.GetNLayers(), Lay;
      intf << '>' << endl;
      for (Lay = 1; Lay <= NLay; Lay++) {
          for (i = 0; i <= KI; i++) {
              x = Xi.X + i * Idx;
              z = vm.Z(x, i);
              intf << x << ' ' << z << endl;
          intf << '>' << endl;

  return (0);



---------- Post updated at 05:37 AM ---------- Previous update was at 05:37 AM ----------

I have started coding an simple test

#include "Parsing.hh"
#include "GenFunc.hh"
#include "VelMod.hh"
#include "common.hh"

#include <stdlib.h>    // for exit
#include <unistd.h>    // for getopt_long

int  main(
  int  argc,
  char*  argv[]) {

  if (argc < 2) {                                         // Print documentation
    FILE*  pipe;
    const char**  ptr = DOC;
    pipe = popen("more", "w");
    while (*ptr) { (void)fprintf(pipe, "%s\n", *ptr++); }

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    int c;
    int digit_optind = 0;
    int aopt = 0, bopt = 0;
    char *copt = 0, *dopt = 0;
    static struct option long_options[] = {
        {"add", 1, 0, 0},
        {"append", 0, 0, 0},
        {"delete", 1, 0, 0},
        {"verbose", 0, 0, 0},
        {"create", 1, 0, 'c'},
        {"file", 1, 0, 0},
        {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
    int option_index = 0;
    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "abc:d:012",
                 long_options, &option_index)) != -1) {
        int this_option_optind = optind ? optind : 1;
        switch (c) {
        case 0:
            printf ("option %s", long_options[option_index].name);
            if (optarg)
                printf (" with arg %s", optarg);
            printf ("\n");
        case '0':
        case '1':
        case '2':
            if (digit_optind != 0 && digit_optind != this_option_optind)
              printf ("digits occur in two different argv-elements.\n");
            digit_optind = this_option_optind;
            printf ("option %c\n", c);
        case 'a':
            printf ("option a\n");
            aopt = 1;
        case 'b':
            printf ("option b\n");
            bopt = 1;
        case 'c':
            printf ("option c with value '%s'\n", optarg);
            copt = optarg;
        case 'd':
            printf ("option d with value '%s'\n", optarg);
            dopt = optarg;
        case '?':
            printf ("?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c);
    if (optind < argc) {
        printf ("non-option ARGV-elements: ");
        while (optind < argc)
            printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]);
        printf ("\n");
    exit (0);

Last edited by kristinu; 03-26-2012 at 08:23 AM..
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