bash, command line substitution

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# 8  
Old 09-15-2011
Thanks for the error posted previously. Was rushed.
Here's 2 scripts. I'm certain my array use is correct.
#!/bin/bash  -e
listOfParms=$(echo ONE TWO \"TH REE\")
echo PARMS: $listOfParms
# next line doesn't work as intended
./ $listOfParms
# next line does work as intended
eval "./ $listOfParms"
echo "------------------------"
echo element count: $elem_cnt
while [ "$indx" -lt "$elem_cnt" ]
	echo "parm[$indx]: ${parmsArray[indx]}"
	let indx+=1

Last edited by skippyV; 09-15-2011 at 05:12 PM..
# 9  
Old 09-15-2011
listOfParams wasn't an array either; your arguments weren't ever three things.


listOfParms=( ONE TWO "TH REE" )

# echo really is getting ONE TWO "TH REE" as three args here -- it's just
# impossible to tell from the output.
echo PARMS: "${listOfParms[@]}"

# This illustrates what happens to the array better.
# IFS controls what characters variables split on when evaluated,
# and what character arrays are joined on when flattened with[*].
echo PARMS: "${listOfParms[*]}"

./ "${listOfParms[@]}"

Your works, though you can simplify it:


echo "$# args"

for ((N=1; N<=$#; N++))
        echo "arg ${N}:        ${!N}"

$ ./
3 arguments
arg 1:        ONE
arg 2:        TWO
arg 3:        TH REE

# 10  
Old 09-15-2011
listOfParams wasn't an array either; your arguments weren't ever three things.
I never said the input starts out as an array or an array of 3 things. I said it is a list which I could place into a variable. And the list contains quoted strings containing white space.
I have no control over the generation of the input - but of course I can massage it within scriptA before sending it on to scriptB. I merely tried to emulate the input with an echo of that variable. Your IFS block of code is useful. It demonstrated that my "emulated" input was incorrect in regards to what I was receiving during my earlier observations.
With your IFS block I saw the following printout:
Obviously by placing that input into an array - it will contain four elements. (I tried it anyways.) But to get the desired interpretation of this list as 3 elements, I still believe "eval" is necessary.
So thank you for your input. It was very helpful.
# 11  
Old 09-15-2011
Yeah, to process that kind of string you need eval. Just watch what you feed into it very carefully.

STR=$(echo stuff) won't help; the number of arguments is only determined by the splitting of the string later.

You can just do

STR='this has "quotes and stuff" in it'

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