How to change parent shell's variables?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to change parent shell's variables?
# 1  
Old 01-17-2008
How to change parent shell's variables?

I have a question about how to change variables in parent shell.

My script,, is below:


The commands I ran for test:

$ echo $PATH
$ sh
$ echo $PATH

Note that when I run sh, the variable PATH was not changed. I know that I can run . to make it change PATH. But for some reason I have to run sh So in this case, how to make child process change the variables in parent process?

# 2  
Old 01-17-2008
The parent shell can't inherit variables from the child but you can run your script in the current shell with (first make your script executable):

. scriptname

or if you have the source command on your system:

source scriptname

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