Auditing events

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Operating Systems AIX Auditing events
# 1  
Old 07-21-2009
Auditing events

Hi there,

I want to enable auditing for the following events in a critical AIX UNIX server by editing the /etc/syslog.conf file:

Authentication events (login success, login failure, logout)
Privilege use events (change to another user etc.)
System state events (shutdown, reboot)
Batch events (execution of batch processes)
Clock/Time Setting Change
Syslog Messages Cleared
User Account Administration

For testing purpose, I want to turn off all other events but for the ones listed above. Please let me know how it's done.


Last edited by zaxxon; 07-21-2009 at 10:07 AM.. Reason: Changed title into something senseful
# 2  
Old 07-21-2009
I guess you know this one already?
Howto configure AIX syslogd (/etc/syslog.conf)

Syntax of syslog.conf is widely explained on the web by lot's of examples etc.

Also for the other things you want, you might want to have a look into Auditing:
IBM Redbooks | Accounting and Auditing on AIX 5L
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