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mod_security(3erl) [linux man page]

mod_security(3erl)					     Erlang Module Definition						mod_security(3erl)

mod_security - Security Audit and Trailing Functionality DESCRIPTION
Security Audit and Trailing Functionality EXPORTS
list_auth_users(Port) -> Users | [] list_auth_users(Address, Port) -> Users | [] list_auth_users(Port, Dir) -> Users | [] list_auth_users(Address, Port, Dir) -> Users | [] Types Port = integer() Address = {A,B,C,D} | string() | undefined Dir = string() Users = list() = [string()] list_auth_users/1 , list_auth_users/2 and list_auth_users/3 returns a list of users that are currently authenticated. Authentica- tions are stored for SecurityAuthTimeout seconds, and are then discarded. list_blocked_users(Port) -> Users | [] list_blocked_users(Address, Port) -> Users | [] list_blocked_users(Port, Dir) -> Users | [] list_blocked_users(Address, Port, Dir) -> Users | [] Types Port = integer() Address = {A,B,C,D} | string() | undefined Dir = string() Users = list() = [string()] list_blocked_users/1 , list_blocked_users/2 and list_blocked_users/3 returns a list of users that are currently blocked from access. block_user(User, Port, Dir, Seconds) -> true | {error, Reason} block_user(User, Address, Port, Dir, Seconds) -> true | {error, Reason} Types User = string() Port = integer() Address = {A,B,C,D} | string() | undefined Dir = string() Seconds = integer() | infinity Reason = no_such_directory block_user/4 and block_user/5 blocks the user User from the directory Dir for a specified amount of time. unblock_user(User, Port) -> true | {error, Reason} unblock_user(User, Address, Port) -> true | {error, Reason} unblock_user(User, Port, Dir) -> true | {error, Reason} unblock_user(User, Address, Port, Dir) -> true | {error, Reason} Types User = string() Port = integer() Address = {A,B,C,D} | string() | undefined Dir = string() Reason = term() unblock_user/2 , unblock_user/3 and unblock_user/4 removes the user User from the list of blocked users for the Port (and Dir) spec- ified. THE SECURITYCALLBACKMODULE
The SecurityCallbackModule is a user written module that can receive events from the mod_security Erlang Webserver API module. This module only exports the function(s), event/4,5 , which are described below. EXPORTS
event(What, Port, Dir, Data) -> ignored event(What, Address, Port, Dir, Data) -> ignored Types What = atom() Port = integer() Address = {A,B,C,D} | string() <v>Dir = string() Data = [Info] Info = {Name, Value} event/4 or event/4 is called whenever an event occurs in the mod_security Erlang Webserver API module ( event/4 is called if Address is undefined and event/5 otherwise). The What argument specifies the type of event that has occurred, and should be one of the fol- lowing reasons; auth_fail (a failed user authentication), user_block (a user is being blocked from access) or user_unblock (a user is being removed from the block list). Note: Note that the user_unblock event is not triggered when a user is removed from the block list explicitly using the unblock_user function. Ericsson AB inets 5.5.2 mod_security(3erl)

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snmpm_conf(3erl)					     Erlang Module Definition						  snmpm_conf(3erl)

snmpm_conf - Utility functions for handling the manager config files. DESCRIPTION
The module snmpm_conf contains various utility functions to used for manipulating (write/append/read) the config files of the SNMP manager. EXPORTS
manager_entry(Tag, Val) -> manager_entry() Types Tag = address | port | engine_id | max_message_size Val = term() manager_entry() = term() Create an entry for the manager config file, manager.conf . The type of Val depends on the value of Tag , see Manager Information for more info. write_manager_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok write_manager_config(Dir, Hdr, Conf) -> ok Types Dir = string() Hdr = string() Conf = [manager_entry()] Write the manager config to the manager config file. Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file. Hdr is an optional file header (note that this text is written to the file as is). See Manager Information for more info. append_manager_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok Types Dir = string() Conf = [manager_entry()] Append the config to the current manager config file. Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file. See Manager Information for more info. read_manager_config(Dir) -> Conf Types Dir = string() Conf = [manager_entry()] Read the current manager config file. Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file. See Manager Information for more info. users_entry(UserId) -> users_entry() users_entry(UserId, UserMod) -> users_entry() users_entry(UserId, UserMod, UserData) -> users_entry() Types UserId = term() UserMod = atom() UserData = term() standard_entry() = term() Create an entry for the manager users config file, users.conf . users_entry(UserId) translates to the following call: users_entry(UserId, snmpm_user_default) . users_entry(UserId, UserMod) translates to the following call: users_entry(UserId, UserMod, undefined) . See Users for more info. write_users_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok write_users_config(Dir, Hdr, Conf) -> ok Types Dir = string() Hdr = string() Conf = [users_entry()] Write the manager users config to the manager users config file. Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file. Hdr is an optional file header (note that this text is written to the file as is). See Users for more info. append_users_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok Types Dir = string() Conf = [users_entry()] Append the users config to the current manager users config file. Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file. See Users for more info. read_users_config(Dir) -> Conf Types Dir = string() Conf = [users_entry()] Read the current manager users config file. Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file. See Users for more info. agents_entry(UserId, TargetName, Comm, Ip, Port, EngineID, Timeout, MaxMessageSize, Version, SecModel, SecName, SecLevel) -> agents_entry() Types UserId = term() TargetName = string() Comm = string() Ip = string() Port = integer() EngineID = string() Timeout = integer() MaxMessageSize = integer() Version = v1 | v2 | v3 SecModel = v1 | v2c | usm SecName = string() SecLevel = noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv | authPriv agents_entry() = term() Create an entry for the manager agents config file, agents.conf . See Agents for more info. write_agents_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok write_agents_config(Dir, Hdr, Conf) -> ok Types Dir = string() Hdr = string() Conf = [_entry()] Write the manager agents config to the manager agents config file. Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file. Hdr is an optional file header (note that this text is written to the file as is). See Agents for more info. append_agents_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok Types Dir = string() Conf = [agents_entry()] Append the agents config to the current manager agents config file. Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file. See Agents for more info. read_agents_config(Dir) -> Conf Types Dir = string() Conf = [agents_entry()] Read the current manager agents config file. Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file. See Agents for more info. usm_entry(EngineID, UserName, AuthP, AuthKey, PrivP, PrivKey) -> usm_entry() usm_entry(EngineID, UserName, SecName, AuthP, AuthKey, PrivP, PrivKey) -> usm_entry() Types EngineID = string() UserName = string() SecName = string() AuthP = usmNoAuthProtocol | usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol | usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol AuthKey = [integer()] PrivP = usmNoPrivProtocol | usmDESPrivProtocol | usmAesCfb128Protocol PrivKey = [integer()] usm_entry() = term() Create an entry for the agent community config file, community.conf . See Security data for USM for more info. write_usm_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok write_usm_config(Dir, Hdr, Conf) -> ok Types Dir = string() Hdr = string() Conf = [usm_entry()] Write the manager usm config to the manager usm config file. Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file. Hdr is an optional file header (note that this text is written to the file as is). See Security data for USM for more info. append_usm_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok Types Dir = string() Conf = [usm_entry()] Append the usm config to the current manager usm config file. Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file. See Security data for USM for more info. read_usm_config(Dir) -> Conf Types Dir = string() Conf = [usm_entry()] Read the current manager usm config file. Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file. See Security data for USM for more info. Ericsson AB snmp 4.19 snmpm_conf(3erl)
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