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asr(2rheolef) [linux man page]

asr(2rheolef)							    rheolef-6.1 						     asr(2rheolef)

asr - associative sparse matrix (rheolef-6.1) SYNOPSYS
Associative sparse matrix container stored row by row using the STL map class. IMPLEMENTATION NOTE
Implementation use MPI-1.1 and is inspired from Mat_MPI in PETSc-2.0.22. TO DO
For efficiency purpose, the assembly phase may access directly to the asr representation, without crossing the reference counting and pointer handler. Something like the iterator for dense vectors. IMPLEMENTATION
template<class R> class basic_asr : public smart_pointer<R> { public: // typedefs: typedef typename R::size_type size_type; typedef typename R::element_type element_type; typedef typename R::memory_type memory_type; typedef distributor::communicator_type communicator_type; // allocators/deallocators: basic_asr (size_type dis_nrow = 0, size_type dis_ncol = 0); basic_asr (const distributor& row_ownership, const distributor& col_ownership); explicit basic_asr (const csr<element_type,memory_type>&); // accessors: const communicator_type& comm() const; // local sizes size_type nrow () const; size_type ncol () const; size_type nnz () const; // global sizes size_type dis_nrow () const; size_type dis_ncol () const; size_type dis_nnz () const; const distributor& row_ownership() const; const distributor& col_ownership() const; // range on local memory size_type row_first_index () const; size_type row_last_index () const; size_type col_first_index () const; size_type col_last_index () const; // global modifiers: element_type& dis_entry (size_type dis_i, size_type dis_j); void dis_entry_assembly(); void dis_entry_assembly_begin (); void dis_entry_assembly_end (); void resize (size_type dis_nrow = 0, size_type dis_ncol = 0); // output: void dump (const std::string& name) const; }; template <class T, class M = rheo_default_memory_model> class asr { typedef M memory_type; }; template <class T> class asr<T,sequential> : public basic_asr<asr_seq_rep<T> > { public: typedef typename basic_asr<asr_seq_rep<T> >::size_type size_type; typedef sequential memory_type; asr (size_type dis_nrow = 0, size_type dis_ncol = 0); asr (const distributor& row_ownership, const distributor& col_ownertship); explicit asr(const csr<T,memory_type>&); }; #ifdef _RHEOLEF_HAVE_MPI template <class T> class asr<T,distributed> : public basic_asr<asr_mpi_rep<T> > { public: typedef distributed memory_type; typedef typename basic_asr<asr_mpi_rep<T> >::size_type size_type; asr (size_type dis_nrow = 0, size_type dis_ncol = 0); asr (const distributor& row_ownership, const distributor& col_ownertship); explicit asr(const csr<T,memory_type>&); }; #endif // _RHEOLEF_HAVE_MPI // inputs/outputs: template <class T, class M> idiststream& operator >> (idiststream& s, asr<T,M>& x); template <class T, class M> odiststream& operator << (odiststream& s, const asr<T,M>& x); rheolef-6.1 rheolef-6.1 asr(2rheolef)

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domain_indirect(7rheolef)					    rheolef-6.1 					 domain_indirect(7rheolef)

domain_indirect - a named part of a finite element mesh DESCRIPTION
The domain_indirect class defines a container for a part of a finite element mesh. This describes the connectivity of edges or faces. This class is usefull for boundary condition setting. IMPLEMENTATION NOTE
The domain class is splitted into two parts. The first one is the domain_indirect class, that contains the main renumbering features: it acts as a indirect on a geo class(see geo(2)). The second one is the domain class, that simply contains two smart_pointers: one on a domain_indirect and the second on the geo where renumbering is acting. Thus, the domain class develops a complete geo-like interface, via the geo_abstract_rep pure virtual class derivation, and can be used by the space class (see space(2)). The split between domain_indirect and domain is necessary, because the geo class contains a list of domain_indirect. It cannot contains a list of domain classes, that refers to the geo class itself: a loop in reference counting leads to a blocking situation in the automatic deallocation. IMPLEMENTATION
template <> class domain_indirect_basic<sequential> : public smart_pointer<domain_indirect_rep<sequential> > { public: // typedefs: typedef domain_indirect_rep<sequential> rep; typedef smart_pointer<rep> base; typedef rep::size_type size_type; typedef rep::iterator_ioige iterator_ioige; typedef rep::const_iterator_ioige const_iterator_ioige; // allocators: domain_indirect_basic (); template <class T> domain_indirect_basic ( const geo_basic<T,sequential>& omega, const std::string& name, size_type map_dim, const communicator& comm, const std::vector<size_type>& ie_list); template <class U> domain_indirect_basic ( array<geo_element_auto<heap_allocator<size_type> >,sequential, heap_allocator<size_type> >& d_tmp, const geo_basic<U, sequential>& omega, std::vector<index_set>* ball); void resize (size_type n); // accessors: size_type size() const; size_type dis_size() const; const distributor& ownership() const; const_iterator_ioige ioige_begin() const; const_iterator_ioige ioige_end() const; iterator_ioige ioige_begin(); iterator_ioige ioige_end(); const geo_element_indirect& oige (size_type ioige) const; void set_name (std::string name); void set_map_dimension (size_type map_dim); std::string name () const; size_type map_dimension () const; // i/o: odiststream& put (odiststream&) const; template <class T> idiststream& get (idiststream& ips, const geo_rep<T,sequential>& omega, std::vector<index_set> *ball); }; IMPLEMENTATION
template <> class domain_indirect_basic<distributed> : public smart_pointer<domain_indirect_rep<distributed> > { public: // typedefs: typedef domain_indirect_rep<distributed> rep; typedef smart_pointer<rep> base; typedef rep::size_type size_type; // allocators: domain_indirect_basic (); template<class T> domain_indirect_basic ( const geo_basic<T,distributed>& omega, const std::string& name, size_type map_dim, const communicator& comm, const std::vector<size_type>& ie_list); // accessors/modifiers: size_type size() const; size_type dis_size() const; const distributor& ownership() const; const geo_element_indirect& oige (size_type ioige) const; void set_name (std::string name); void set_map_dimension (size_type map_dim); std::string name () const; size_type map_dimension () const; // distributed specific acessors: const distributor& ini_ownership() const; size_type ioige2ini_dis_ioige (size_type ioige) const; size_type ini_ioige2dis_ioige (size_type ini_ioige) const; // i/o: template <class T> idiststream& get (idiststream& ips, const geo_rep<T,distributed>& omega); template <class T> odiststream& put (odiststream& ops, const geo_rep<T,distributed>& omega) const; }; SEE ALSO
geo(2), space(2) rheolef-6.1 rheolef-6.1 domain_indirect(7rheolef)
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