Sudo installation failure

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Operating Systems HP-UX Sudo installation failure
# 1  
Old 11-20-2013
Sudo installation failure

Dear Guru,

I want to install sudo in my HPUX 11.11 and i also already downloading the software from website sudo, and already install the depot using swinstall -c .... , after finish still can not find sudo . something wrong with my installation ? thank you
# ls
gettext-  sudo-ldap-1.8.8.hppa.depot.g
libiconv-1.14-hppa-11.11.depot     zlib-1.2.8-hppa-11.11.depot

# which sudo
no sudo in /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/ccs/bin /usr/contrib/bin /opt/hparray/bin /op
t/nettladm/bin /opt/upgrade/bin /opt/fcms/bin /usr/bin/X11 /usr/contrib/bin/X11
/opt/pd/bin /opt/wbem/bin /opt/wbem/sbin /opt/resmon/bin /opt/firefox /opt/gnome
/bin /opt/mozilla /opt/graphics/common/bin /opt/hpsmh/bin /opt/perl_32/bin /opt/
perl_64/bin /usr/sbin/diag/contrib /opt/sfm/bin /opt/ssh/bin /opt/thunderbird /o
pt/gwlm/bin /opt/ignite/bin /opt/perf/bin /sbin /home/root

Last edited by Franklin52; 11-20-2013 at 03:03 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 2  
Old 11-20-2013
Start by giving the ouput of
 swlist -l product |grep sudo

Was it an HP depot from a HP archive center?

You should normally find it in /usr/local/bin - AND - /usr/local/bin is not inculded by default in the PATH on HP-UX, mostly fo security reasons so it is no reason to add it as standard to all... I use aliases... or add the PATH on command line when I need it...

Last edited by vbe; 11-20-2013 at 10:49 AM.. Reason: Typo + add
# 3  
Old 11-20-2013
hi vbe,

this the output :
# swlist -l product | grep sudo
  sudo                  1.8.8          sudo

in /usr/local/bin i can see sudo and sudoedit but still can not do visudo or manual sudo.

# man sudo
No manual entry for sudo.
# visudo
sh: visudo:  not found.

Last edited by Scott; 11-20-2013 at 10:43 PM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 4  
Old 11-21-2013
Check your $PATH if it includes /usr/local/bin echo $PATH, or invoke the commands with full path like /usr/local/bin/sudo <your stuff>
# 5  
Old 11-21-2013

this is the output, whats wrong with my insttalation ?
# echo $PATH
# echo $/usr/local/bin/sudo

Last edited by Franklin52; 11-21-2013 at 09:36 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 6  
Old 11-21-2013
Originally Posted by trisno

this is the output, whats wrong with my insttalation ?
Nothing is wrong. You simply don't have /usr/local/bin in your path. I don't either, on any of my servers. This is the default. To run an executable from a location not in your path, you have to specify the full path to that executable.

For example, instead of running 'sudo' or 'visudo' you need to run '/usr/local/bin/sudo' or '/usr/local/bin/visudo'

Alternatively, you can update your path variable and add the /usr/local/bin location to it.
# 7  
Old 11-22-2013
You had it all explained in my first post ( #2 ..)...
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