can't vary on vg - no good copies of the descriptor area

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Operating Systems AIX can't vary on vg - no good copies of the descriptor area
# 1  
Old 09-22-2009
can't vary on vg - no good copies of the descriptor area

Hi everyone,

I just restored an AIX 6.1 LPAR from one JS12 blade to another. I've done this several times before without issues. But this time, the restore completed successfully, all file systems are mounted, I can even start WebSphere and all the apps. However, when I try to do lsvg <volumegroup> it says:
"Volume group must be varied on; use varyonvg command."

Then I try varyonvg <volumegroup> and it says:
0516-013 varyonvg: The volume group cannot be varied on because
there are no good copies of the descriptor area.

So apparently the descriptor area is missing. I don't know what this means. When I did the restore, the only thing different was the size of the LUNs in the SAN. So, there is more disk on the partition I restored to. Other than that, everything's the same.

Does anyone have any ideas?? Smilie
# 2  
Old 09-23-2009
Can you able see all your externel/san disks from OS level? if yes check for all available devices...

Still if you are facing some problem kindly let us know which storage your server is connected to?
# 3  
Old 09-23-2009
You can use chvg -g to check for changed disk sizes. It's probably a better idea to switch physical hosts, then extend the luns or vice versa rather than doing both at the same time.
# 4  
Old 09-28-2009
here's my 2 cents: could your vg have been renamed ?

- if you can see all of your filesystems, and everything appears to be normal, then you surely have a working (i mean varied-on) vg ;

- if you got a message like "vg must be varied on", it can mean that you are referencing an inactive vg ;

- and a message like "no good copies" can have the same reason as above ;

- what is the output of 'lsvg' (without any parms) ? in other words: what is the list of vgs on your system ?

- then, what's the output of 'lsvg <vgname>' when <vgname> belongs to the list generated by the simple 'lsvg' suggested above ?

good luck, and success !

alexandre botao
Alexandre V. R. Botao | Unix, C/C++, Shell, LDAP, SSL/TLS, SSH, Perl, Java, Python, Security, ...
# 5  
Old 09-29-2009
may be usefull to look at the output from
lsvg |lsvg -il
lsvg |lsvg -ip

Studdy this output and see what is going on
Now you will be able to see if one or more mirrors are stale and if there are disks missing

If only one side of a mirror is not working because of missing disk you can force the volume to come up (varyonvg -f vg )
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