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pfind(9) [linux man page]

PFIND(9)						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual						  PFIND(9)

pfind, zpfind -- locate a process by number SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/proc.h> struct proc * pfind(pid_t pid); struct proc * zpfind(pid_t pid); DESCRIPTION
pfind() takes a pid as its argument and returns a pointer to the proc structure whose PID is specified in the argument only if the pid is on the allproc list. zpfind() takes a pid as its argument. If zpfind() finds a process whose PID is equal to that of argument and is a zombie process, meaning that it must reside on the zombproc list, zpfind() returns a pointer to that proc structure. Both pfind() and zpfind() lock the proc structure that is returned using PROC_LOCK(p). RETURN VALUES
pfind() and zpfind() return a pointer to a proc structure on success and a NULL on failure. SEE ALSO
pgfind(9) AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Evan Sarmiento <>. BSD
July 11, 2001 BSD

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kvm_nextproc(3KVM)					    Kernel VM Library Functions 					kvm_nextproc(3KVM)

kvm_nextproc, kvm_getproc, kvm_setproc - read system process structures SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lkvm [ library...] #include <kvm.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/proc.h> struct proc *kvm_nextproc(kvm_t *kd); int kvm_setproc(kvm_t *kd); struct proc *kvm_getproc(kvm_t *kd, pid_t pid); DESCRIPTION
The kvm_nextproc() function reads sequentially all of the system process structures from the kernel identified by kd (see kvm_open(3KVM)). Each call to kvm_nextproc() returns a pointer to the static memory area that contains a copy of the next valid process table entry. There is no guarantee that the data will remain valid across calls to kvm_nextproc(), kvm_setproc(), or kvm_getproc(). If the process structure must be saved, it should be copied to non-volatile storage. For performance reasons, many implementations will cache a set of system process structures. Since the system state is liable to change between calls to kvm_nextproc(), and since the cache may contain obsolete information, there is no guarantee that every process structure returned refers to an active process, nor is it certain that all processes will be reported. The kvm_setproc() function rewinds the process list, enabling kvm_nextproc() to rescan from the beginning of the system process table. This function will always flush the process structure cache, allowing an application to re-scan the process table of a running system. The kvm_getproc() function locates the proc structure of the process specified by pid and returns a pointer to it. Although this function does not interact with the process table pointer manipulated by kvm_nextproc(), the restrictions regarding the validity of the data still apply. RETURN VALUES
On success, kvm_nextproc() returns a pointer to a copy of the next valid process table entry. On failure, it returns NULL. On success, kvm_getproc() returns a pointer to the proc structure of the process specified by pid. On failure, it returns NULL. The kvm_setproc() function returns 0 on success and -1 on failure. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Stable | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
kvm_getu(3KVM), kvm_open(3KVM), kvm_kread(3KVM), attributes(5) SunOS 5.11 2 May 2002 kvm_nextproc(3KVM)
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