So I came across a minor issue here, and was hoping anyone could help me.
I'm on Unix SunOS, 5.10 as well as Linux 2.6.32
So everything I do has to work on both (fun ..)
Anyway, I have a few scripts, which handle some temporary files, I dropped in some basic trap commands in order to clean things up when it exits:
This (seems to) work fine, however, I run into a small issue when I call one script from the other
So I have the above code in 2 scripts, and in the first I call the 2nd. They each have their own temp file, both of which I want cleaned up when that particular script exits.
However, I'm noticing the the file from script_1.ksh sticks around, and isn't being cleaned up. I'm assuming it's because of the similar declaration in script_2 is "clobbering" it ... however, I'm not 100% sure how to work around this?
I'm tempted to change the line:
However, even if that works [edit] it doesn't - tried it - found confirmation that it's the subsequent trap clobbering the existing trap[/edit], I'm not sure that's the "correct" solution.
Jim, doesn't your quote rather mean a prefixed assignment like
For me this looks like bug. Running annother program, even another shell, should not obscure the current signals.
In Korn shell you might want to use "trap 0" to do end processing (such as removing temporary files). It is a virtual signal and the trap code is executed every time the script exits, regardless of how the exit is done.
In Korn shell you might want to use "trap 0" to do end processing (such as removing temporary files). It is a virtual signal and the trap code is executed every time the script exits, regardless of how the exit is done.
I hope this helps.
Sorry, am I missing something?
I thought:
where essentially identical?
In anycase, wouldn't they both get nuked when I called the next shell anyway? (according to the docs?) [edit]correction: meant to imply when the next TRAP command is issued - within the next shell - sorry [/edit]
Sorry, I'm not sure what you're trying to say here that I haven't already tried?
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
That is the last reply I received from my instructor, and I'm looking for some alternatives.
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# multipath -l
mpath0 (36000097000019260298953666633436) dm-11 EMC,SYMMETRIX
\_ round-robin 0
\_ 2:0:0:9 ... (2 Replies)
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See example below....
Input File :
(New York) Chicago (London)
New York (Chicago) London
New York Chicago (London)
(New York) (Chicago) (London)
New York (Chicago)
... (3 Replies)
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I have this script for linux on cleaning up orphaned folder. But I need to use this on solaris 8/9/10
for user in $(ls | grep -v lost+found) ; do
id $user >/dev/null 2>&1
if ]
ls -ld $user
grep $user /etc/passwd
Can someone please convert this script? ... (1 Reply)
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... (2 Replies)
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DATETIME=`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`
echo $DATAFILE > tmpnme.txt
sed 's_/_ _g' tmpnme.txt > tmpnme2.txt
DATA=$(cat tmpnme2.txt)... (2 Replies)
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simplest way of knowing the last time an ID was used.
I am familiar with the "last" command.
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Hello all,
I'm hoping to get a little insight from some of the wily veterans amongst you.
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