Big Problemo Senior~

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Special Forums Windows & DOS: Issues & Discussions Big Problemo Senior~
# 1  
Old 04-11-2002
Big Problemo Senior~

I have a BIG problem , i have windows 95 and Mandrake 7.1 Sharing a hard drive with a non-DOS partition and i decided to re-install Mandrake and half way throught the power in my house went of and when it came back on windows wouldnt boot and i was stuck with something called GRUB . Can anyone help me navigate through Grub into windows so i can re-install mandrake ? or should i jsut send in the computer to a technician for a formatting ? Smilie
# 2  
Old 04-12-2002
What you could do is boot into Windows with a boot-disk, and run in a prompt: "FDISK /MBR". You should be able to boot into windows now, since it will have replaced the boot record with it's own. From there on, just boot off of your CD, re-format the partitions that were in use by Linux, and reinstall.

Sorry, I don't know grub, so I would personally just blow it away like above.
# 3  
Old 05-08-2002
just format. it's the simplest route.
good luck!
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