netbios name resolution + w7

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# 1  
Old 07-20-2011
netbios name resolution + w7

Hello guys,
At windows 7, when multiple ip addresses used on one nic, starting "network" from desktop is able to resolve samba machine's name (freebsd + samba3.5.9 from ports) but does not want to open machine (error: unexisting) nor ping it by name. Works fine if specified by ipv4/ipv6 address instead of name.

I found that w7 can resolve it when NIC's right ip address is manually configured first, and only then adding other addresses but after reboot it fails again: Netbios preferres 10.x.x.x instead of 192.x.x.x.

Can windows set preffered netbios network address?

P.S. 2nd solution would be multicast dns service tell correct name's address for windows. I tried mDNSReponder but that did not work for me.
# 2  
Old 07-21-2011
I have found that winXP behaves same way as samba server.
This means it is not samba issue but window 7 (and maybe vista).

If anyone know by what mechanism "start menu -> network -> computer names" name resolution can be achieved on unix?
# 3  
Old 09-20-2011
Easy answer would be to setup a local hosts file on the Win 7 machine I believe.
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