I know tcp port tunneling can be done using ssh/putty. how about udp?
I have a scenario where a license server handsout licenses to machines in that network ONLY. I have a windows machine in a different subnet and even though the client software can see license server, while using the software the lic. server denies the permission because the windows machine is not in the same subnet as that of license server.
The license server here is windows. The service runs on port_a ( I think this should be 2047 UDP for opnet)
There are solaris / linux machines in the same network as that of license server which can be used for tcp/udp tunneling but I don;t know how I should make use of that. I do have account on those unix/linux machines and tcp forwarding/gateway ports is enabled in sshservers.
Is there anyway from client(windows), I can specify " localhost : port_a "as license server and so software will query to localhost:2047(udp). Can we forwards 2047 UDP to localhost:2047(tcp)?
Then do ssh tcp forwarding to linux machine for tcp port 2047. Then on remote linux machine forward tcp 2047 to localhost:2047(udp) and forward that udp 2047 to license server 2047 (udp)?
Is this technically possible? May be using nc(netcat) or udp_redirect?
or if there is any other way to let such users use the lic. servers successfully?
Please help..
Thanks in advance!