Site Performance II

View Poll Results: How is the site performing
Performance is much better 24 64.86%
I don't know, I never had any problems 5 13.51%
Performance is a little better 5 13.51%
Performance is the same 2 5.41%
Performance is a little worse 1 2.70%
I am seeing strange behavior 0 0%
I have posted in the thread with an answer not in the poll 0 0%
Performance is much worse 0 0%
Voters: 37. This poll is closed

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The Lounge What is on Your Mind? Site Performance II
# 1  
Old 09-22-2007
Site Performance II

I have updated the backend hosting for UNIX.COM and would appreciate feedback either in the form of a vote in the poll or a post so that we can plan for more changes if any are needed.

In particular let me us know if you see any strange behavior from the site as there may still be some unforeseen side effects from the changes.
# 2  
Old 09-23-2007
Much better than the worst I've seen over the past couple of weeks. Thanks for the upgrade, reborg.
# 3  
Old 09-24-2007
Great job reborg!

The 4 CPUs and 2GB of memory make a huge difference over 1CPU and 512MB of memory.

I'll be interested to see the performance when the on-line users are close to 1000 / 30 minute like it was before the performance hit dropped us in the Google ranks.

Cheers and thanks again!
# 4  
Old 09-25-2007
512 Ram?

I have to say that frankly I am amazed *anyone* got in with just 512M RAM!

From a user point of view - much much better. Cheers!
# 5  
Old 10-18-2007
Originally Posted by ajcannon
I have to say that frankly I am amazed *anyone* got in with just 512M RAM!
I can't comment on the performance problems because i never had any here, but the quoted sentence just hit on my nerve:

ajcannon, i come from *way back*, wenn really BIG computers (no, not PCs - mainframes) had 1 MB of memory and I did program digital signal processors with some kilowords (1word=4bytes) of memory - i can tell you 512MB is an awful lot and you could store some telephone books simultaneously in such an amount of memory. Frankly, I'm not wondering why anyone could log on with 512MB, i wonder how this could be not enough.

What has gone wrong in the software industry?

# 6  
Old 10-19-2007
No hard feelings Smilie I don't think that something went wrong, it's just that some applications require more resources these days, due to extended business needs, or they simply have memory leaks, even some enterprise products.
But 512 MB ram should be enough, a while ago I had FreeBSD 6.0 with 3Ghz CPU and 512 MB RAM, running AMP + 700 user accounts, each has shell and ftp access with 1G quota, and it was doing pretty good.
But let's not change the subject of the topic - the site performance is much better Smilie
# 7  
Old 10-19-2007
Performance is much much better.

Glad about that very much ! Smilie

Great work ! Cheers !
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