Big Data for System Admins

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The Lounge What is on Your Mind? Big Data for System Admins
# 1  
Old 03-10-2014
Big Data for System Admins

I have been working as Solaris/Linux Admin since past 8 years. I am looking options for my profile change, but there is some limitation. I worked as 24x7 support for admin, server support, high availability, etc. But been worked on developing side and scripting part.
When I search for Big Data jobs on internet, most of them deal with java, scripts and development part. I just want to know, is there any scope for hardcore system admin in Big Data, which deals with admin parts only ? Like managing Namenode, datanode, performance and other tasks in day to day routine, as we do as Unix admin. I have been reading Big data books for sometime and there are many tasks which are related to admin parts, but not sure if that kind of job exists in market.
Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 03-10-2014
What exactly are you looking for in a "Big Data" job. All these "new" technologies still run on systems that require system adminstrators. I would suggest taking a system administration job with a company that "thinks" it's doing BigData.
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# 3  
Old 03-10-2014
I thought, if there are all together different admins who manages Big Data Clusters like HDFS support and maintenance, performance check/tuning on Big Data clusters, day to day routine jobs. System admin is always my first choice, but by looking at market trend where many companies are targeting more on virtual servers and actual hardcore UNIX admin job is getting limited, I though I should learn some new technologies also which can be aligned with my kind of job. In my company only, we had 1200 physical servers (UNIX based) 2 years back. Now only 313 are left, other are large number or Oracle VM's or VMware VM's (running on ESX).
Your suggestion is good, I should look for a company, who has system admin doing Big Data also.
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