Web development language choice?

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# 15  
Old 08-22-2011
The amount of memory and CPU required for any additional "memory and CPU" requirement for a WP site costs, on a per monthly basis, less than 25% of a single hour for a web developer.

I won't mince words either Smilie

Most people who use WP do it for a reason and I think the users who are using WP from the over 5 million downloads of version 3.2 speak more accurately than the opinion of a user unhappy with his experience on a home server.

Memory is cheap. Very cheap. So is CPU. The CNN web site is run on a Wordpress core...... and I am sure those guys know what they are doing Smilie
# 16  
Old 08-22-2011
I'm not saying "hire a web developer", I'm saying "wordpress is a pig". Surely there must be better alternatives.

The wordpress site I host didn't do so "for a reason", they did it to jump on the bandwagon.

It's even a bandwidth pig. 300 kilobytes of data transfer on a webpage. That doesn't include the images it loads, just the raw text of the main webpage. That doesn't make for efficient use of hosting resources.

Imagine how much more you could do with a web host if it didn't have to support wordpress.

Having made my point, I'll retire from this argument.

Last edited by Corona688; 08-22-2011 at 05:05 PM..
# 17  
Old 08-24-2011
... and saying anything in these forums "is a pig" is a breach of the forum culture.

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