Problems with an application

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# 1  
Old 06-23-2011
Problems with an application

I gurus
Can any guru of networking or applications can help me with this problem please.
I Attached a document where I try to explain in detail the problem.
So I attached a wireshark capture too.
I attached a file where I can explain in detail the problem and a pcap file where you can observe the problem in the wireshark.

# 2  
Old 06-23-2011
What application is this that's opening so many TCP sockets?
# 3  
Old 06-23-2011
I donīt know how interprete this application. I observe that this application usa an access Data Base.
My role is found why this application is very slow when I use wireless (Wi-Fi) network. If a run another application (FTP for example), it is very fast and open only one scoket.
But dear Corona688 in base of the logīs that you can see in the wireshark you can interprete the problem. I observe that the client is losing syncronis in that case close and open new sockets.
# 4  
Old 06-23-2011
Originally Posted by andresguillen
I donīt know how interprete this application. I observe that this application usa an access Data Base.
What's it doing connecting to the sql server then?
My role is found why this application is very slow when I use wireless (Wi-Fi) network. If a run another application (FTP for example), it is very fast and open only one scoket.
What the application's actually trying to do matters. Nothing's forcing it to open umpteen sockets.

Your network diagram shows no detail about the dlink AP, but 'dlink' raises warning flags. It's very popular since it's the cheapest possible, but also very shoddy. We don't sell dlink anymore because we had 50% of the dlink wireless routers we sold fail in 6 months in a variety of strange ways -- and one nearly caught fire. We also had a dlink "gigabit" router which negotiated at gigabit but was no faster than 100baseT; it cheated by spamming pause packets whenever overloaded.

So it's quite possible, I think, that your dlink router is just being overloaded by too many connections.
# 5  
Old 06-23-2011
Let me explain Dear Corona688
First when the user is the Network, validated by the Active Directory, In the personīs destokp appear some application (shortcuts).
The user do double click in one application (This is the one that has problems) It (by his shortcuts) run a application in the server
In the wireshark I observe only one socket between my Laptop (in this case with the application server
After that, folling the trace in the wireshark, my laptop do a download from the SQL-Server ( in that case I observe a lot of Sockets!!!
I use a tool (NetPerSec) where I can observe that my Laptop do download of 32MB date before open the application. I see the application in the Laptop
that use an access as data base
The same problem appear if Use wired connection
Dear Corona688 That's all I can and Understand, I am a networking technical, and I donīt know application (Layer 7)

Last edited by andresguillen; 06-23-2011 at 03:32 PM..
# 6  
Old 06-23-2011
Originally Posted by andresguillen
My role is found why this application is very slow when I use wireless (Wi-Fi) network.
Originally Posted by andresguillen
I use a tool (NetPerSec) where I can observe that my Laptop do download of 32MB date before open the application.
Copper ethernet is much faster and more reliable than wireless. 32 megabytes of data over a properly wired and moderately busy 100baseT network could take as little as 3 seconds, 11g under ideal conditions takes twice as long, and ideal conditions are very hard to get. Competition with other wireless clients, too many connections, bad signal, etc, etc, can all slow things down.

I don't suppose you've tested network speed and/or dropouts over the wireless itself? Not of the application but just, say, downloading a big file over the local network or running iperf between a wired and wireless computer.

Your dlink router could still be garbage, too.

If you don't have any control over how many connections the application makes, you don't have any control over that unfortunately.

Last edited by Corona688; 06-23-2011 at 05:51 PM..
# 7  
Old 06-23-2011
Your dlink router could still be garbage, too (Very Hard this comment, jejejejjee. AlsoThis equipment isnīt a router, it is an access Point jejejejejej
Dear Corona688. The tool that you mentioned (iperf) works over Windows PC?, Or only work in Unix/Linux Machine. I've never used it
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