How do you make web sites?

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Top Forums Web Development How do you make web sites?
# 1  
Old 11-05-2009
Network How do you make web sites?

Smilie I've read how on some websites but I still don't get it.
I need specific details. I want to make a website for my photography. Please help!Smilie
# 2  
Old 11-05-2009
Originally Posted by animelibara123
Smilie I've read how on some websites but I still don't get it.
I need specific details. I want to make a website for my photography. Please help!Smilie
  • Search for a web hosting provider.
  • Register an Internet domain with them.
  • They might even give you free web hosting for a year!
  • Then, use their user interface to configure some free software to host your photography
# 3  
Old 11-06-2009
For a new user, I suggest » Get a Free Blog Here

I'm not personally a fan of Wordpress, but a large number of folks use it so it's easy to find help if you need it. By using, if you later decided to transfer to your own hosted Wordpresss site (to get more features and control than the hosting offers), it's easy to transfer the site.

For those that care - I don't like Wordpress exactly because of what makes others rave about it - the PHP templating system. But it's a very easy place to start and for small sites that mostly want to stay away from technical details while still being able to customize, Wordpress is a good choice.
# 4  
Old 03-04-2010
I agree with TonyLawrence, Wordpress is a good place to start, and there are many free photography themes available. If you need an inexpensive web host, try 000webhosting, they are free. Also you can get a .tk domain name like "" for free. It would also do you no harm to learn a bit of "HTML" and "PHP" coding, because these two languages can definitely make life easier for you when trying to start up a website. Remember, Google is your friend. Smilie
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