, port 1554 defined where?

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers, port 1554 defined where?
# 8  
Old 11-22-2002
OK, thanks.

Yes, you have a process listening for an incoming TCP connecting on port 1580.

The way I would go about finding out what process is listening on this port is to use lsof. I think if you search the forums you will find a few good discussions on lsof and where to get it.

I think lsof is written in GCC (have not checked lately) so you should be albe build it for AIX with any GCC compiler. OBTW: Here is a AIX lsof link to get you started if you need pre compiled binaries:


OBTW, a simply Google search with keyworks "AIX port 1580" yields this link about Tivoli:


... but this may have very little to do with your system... ports can be assigned to lots of different programs and applications.
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semanage_port(3)					   Libsemanage API documentation					  semanage_port(3)

semanage_port - SELinux Network Ports Management API SYNOPSIS
#include <semanage/port_record.h> #include <semanage/ports_policy.h> #include <semanage/ports_local.h> This object contains properties associated with a range of network ports. For details on a specific function, see its manual page. Record API Overview semanage_port_create(3)- create a port range semanage_port_free(3)- release resources for this port range semanage_port_key_create(3)- create a key, which can be used to identify a port range semanage_port_key_free(3)- release resources for this port range key semanage_port_key_extract(3)- create a key matching this port range semanage_port_clone(3)- create an identical port range (deep-copy clone) semanage_port_compare(3)- compare this port range to the provided key semanage_port_compare2(3)- compare this port range to another Properties API Overview semanage_port_get_proto(3)- return the protocol for this port range semanage_port_get_proto_str(3)- return a string representation of the given port protocol semanage_port_set_proto(3)- set the protocol for this port range semanage_port_get_low(3)- return the low port number for this port range semanage_port_get_high(3)- return the high port number for this port range semanage_port_set_port(3)- set the port number (same low and high) for this port range semanage_port_set_range(3)- set the low and high port number for this port range semanage_port_get_con(3)- return the SELinux context for this port range semanage_port_set_con(3)- set the SELinux context for this port range Record Store API Overview semanage_port_modify_local(3)- add or update a port range in the local store semanage_port_del_local(3)- delete a port range from the local store semanage_port_exists(3)- check if a port range is defined in the persistent policy semanage_port_exists_local(3)- check if a port range is defined in the local store semanage_port_query(3)- query a port range in the persistent policy semanage_port_query_local(3)- query a port range in the local store semanage_port_count(3)- count the number of port ranges defined in the persistent policy semanage_port_count_local(3)- count the number of port ranges defined in the local store semanage_port_iterate(3)- execute a callback for each port range in the persistent policy semanage_port_iterate_local(3)- execute a callback for each port range in the local store semanage_port_list(3)- return an array containing all port ranges in the persistent policy semanage_port_list_local(3)- return an array containing all port ranges in the local store ivg2@cornell.edu 16 March 2006 semanage_port(3)