display went awkwards after issue kill pid

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# 1  
Old 11-13-2002
display went awkwards after issue kill pid

hi, i kill a process which is topas. then i do a fg of the process itself and got this Signal 15 received.finally, the display went as belows....

root@myhost:/]ksh: ^L^L^Lps: not found.
root@myhost:/] PID TTY TIME CMD
60992 pts/1 0:00 p
72300 pts/1 1:53 topas
76506 pts/1 0:00 dsmadmc
85022 pts/1 0:00 -ksh
# 2  
Old 11-13-2002
Ok, but what is your question?
# 3  
Old 11-13-2002
if its your screen that gets messed up after that, then just type 'reset' and then hit enter and things should be fine,. sometimes when i close lynx my screen gets messed up, does that help? i wasnt really sure what your question was.
# 4  
Old 11-13-2002
okay, let me clarify.... my question is that sometimes the screen will get messed up .. and so this "reset" will help... ??
# 5  
Old 12-16-2002
yes, the 'reset' command will reset your tty.
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