Upgrading Sudo

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# 1  
Old 11-12-2002
Data Upgrading Sudo

Hi all
I am trying to upgrade Sudo on my Redhat Linu 7.0 box. I have obtained the latest version of Sudo (1.6.6) from http://www.courtesan.com/sudo/. THis is in the form of a src.rpm file. I am confused about installing this. How can I install from a source rpm. It does not upgrade the package when I do a rpm -Uvh <filename> Three files get created when I fo this:

I do not know where to proceed from here. I tried to do rpm -bb /usr/src/redhat/SPEC/sudo.spec. But got the message:
error: failed to build dependencies:
pam-devl is needed bu sudo-1.6.5p2-1.7x.1

Please give me some direction as to where to proceed from here.

Thanks all in advance.

# 2  
Old 11-13-2002
Why don't you get the binary package from a redhat mirror? For example, here:

Pick a mirror closer to you if you are not in north america. The list of mirrors is here: http://www.redhat.com/mirrors.html

As far as installing a source rpm, you would need to use the '--rebuild' option. Check the rpm man page for details. In general, its easier to just use the RedHat-provided rpms when possible.
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