useradd script

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# 1  
Old 10-22-2002
useradd script

I have a txt file with many users and I need to add them and create random passwords. Does any one have a script in pearl possible?
# 2  
Old 10-23-2002
I don't know of any off the bat, but there are many great shell scripting sites on the internet.

It is fairly easy to do this with 1 password or NO password for all, but random passwords requires more work.

You can use the command line version of your useradd or adduser program to add them all to your system, but you will have to script something for the password creation.

# 3  
Old 10-23-2002
You can hack this if you want - no warrenties come with it of course.

1/2 half of code:

#    This is a script to add users to the passwd / shadow files.  It
# prompts for a first name, middle inital and last name.  A username
# is generated from the first inital, middle inital, and lastname.
# This username can be changed.  After a username has been selected
# the passwd file is scaned to see if the user already exists.  If the
# username exists then the user is prompted to change the username.
#   Once a valid username is chosen, the passwd file is scaned to find
# the next free userid.  This userid must be greater than the $minuid
# variable.  The entry is added to the passwd and shadow files, the
# home direcrory is created and 'make passwd' is done.
# $Revision: 1.5 $

# These values are changable.  Set them to the configuration
#  of enviroment.

#This is the NIS domain name.
chomp ($domain = `/bin/domainname`);

# This file contains a log of the accounts and passwords for the 
# created users.  Look here for the passwords.

# This is the shell to give the user

# This is the location of the homedir.  This is where to make it.
# the homedir passwd entry is set to /home/$username

# The location of the source files.

# This is the salt used when crypting the password

# Command to make the passwd files
$MAKE = "cd /var/nis/$domain ; /u/bin/make passwd";

# location of the cvs (version control system) executable
$CVS = "/u/bin/cvs -n";

#default location of CVS
$CVSROOT = "/adm/cvs/cvsroot";

#First UID to start with
$FIRST_UID = 1500;


# let the coding begin

        print ("\n\nNIS account creation utility\n\n\n");

#Check and make sure everything is cool with CVS before we start
#&check_cvs if ( -f $CVS);

# reads passwd file and assigns it to PASS file handle.  
# takes each line in PASS filehandle and assigns each line to an individual
# element in array passwd.

open PASS, "<$NISfiles/passwd" or die "can't open $NISfiles/passwd";
while (<PASS>) {


        #skip comments and whitespace
        next if (/^\s*#/ or /^\s*$/);

        # get the fields in the passwd entry
        ($uname,$x,$uid,$gid,$gecos,$home,$shell)  = split ':', $_;

        # trying to be careful
        if ($uname eq "") { die "ERROR: bad line in passwd:\n$_\n\n" }

        # check for duplicate uids and unames
        if ( $passwd {$uid} ) {
                die "ERROR: duplicate entries for UID $uid \n$passwd{$uid} \n$_ 
\nPlease correct error before using adduser.\n\n";

        } elsif ($uname2uid {$uname}) {
                die "ERROR: duplicate entries for $uname \n $passwd{$uname2uid{$
uname}} \n $_ \nPlease correct this error before using adduser.\n\n";

        # key the passwd list on uid. used to sort the file by uid
        $passwd {$uid} = $_;

        # store an indexed list of unames used to detect duplicate unames
        $uname2uid {$uname} = $uid;

close PASS;

open SHADOW, "<$NISfiles/shadow" or die "can't open shadow in $NISfiles";
while (<SHADOW>) {


        # skip comments and whitespace
        next if (/^\s*#/ or /^\s*$/);

        # get the fields in the shadow entry
        ($uname) = split /:/, $_;

        # die if no passwd entry exists for uname 
        unless ( $uname2uid {$uname}) 
                { die "ERROR: User $uname exists in shadow but not in passwd fil
e.\nPlease correct this error before using adduser.\n\n" }

        # key the shadow list on uid by converting uname to uid
        $uid = $uname2uid {$uname};

        # error if uid not in passwd file
        unless ($uid) {
            die "ERROR: user $uname in shadow but not in passwd.  This error may
 also be caused by having a valid passwd entry with uid equal to zero.  This pro
gram does not support uid = 0 since it was designed for use with NIS.\nPlease co
rrect this error.\n\n";

        # check for duplicate shadow entries
        if ($shadow {$uid})
            { die "ERROR: duplicate shadow entry for $uname\n$shadow{$uid}\n$_\n
\n" }

        # finally store the shadow entry in a hash ordered by username.
        $shadow {$uname2uid {$uname}} = $_;
close SHADOW;

# check for users in passwd but not in shadow
for $uid (keys %passwd) {

    unless ($shadow {$uid}) 
        { die "This user is missing a shadow entry:\n$passwd{$uid}" }


#init rand number generator

### Begin Loop that allows mutiple accounts to be added at once

# 4  
Old 10-23-2002
2nd half (too many characters for one post)

do {

#prompt administrator for user information


# Ask if name is correct and check username. If mk_unique_user results
# False then root decided not to create this user. 

 if(&mk_unique_user) {

    # Pick a initial password.

    $rvalue = int(rand(1000));
    ($uhead) = ( $name[0] =~ /^(.{1,4})/ );
    $nv = join('',$uhead,$rvalue);
    $pwd = crypt($nv,$SALT);
    # scan the passwd list for the first unused uid
    for ($uid = $FIRST_UID; $passwd{$uid}; ++$uid) {} 

    # choose group for new user

    # add user info to passwd map file
    $passwd {$uid} ="$username:x:$uid:$gid:@name:/home/$username:$shell";
    $uname2uid {$username} = $uid;

    # add user info to the shadow map file
    $shadow {$uid} = $username . ":" . $pwd . ":::::::";
    # save the new passwd file

    # create home dir

    # save the new passwd file


 # Ask if more users are to be added

  do {
    print "\nAdd another User (y or n)?";
    chop($confirm = <STDIN>);
    $confirm =~ tr/YN/yn/;
  } while (($confirm ne "y" )&&( $confirm ne "n") &&( $confirm ne ""));
} while ( $confirm eq "y");

### End of loop for users

### Make the NIS database

#end of main -------------------------

# BUILD_DIR: Create the directory for the new user
sub build_dir {
    my $userhome;
    print "Creating user's home directory\n";
    $userhome = join '', $homedir, $username;
    system ("mkdir", $userhome);
    system ("cp /etc/skel/local.profile $userhome/.profile");
    system ("chown -R $uid:$gid $userhome");
    print "\n";

# MK_UNIQUE_USER: Search the passwd database for user
#                 prompts for new username if name is not unique
sub mk_unique_user {
  my ($i,$confirm, $puser, $unique);
  my ($line); #line of passwd

  #confirm username
  do {
    print "Allow \"@name\" as \"$username\"  (y or n)";
    chop($confirm = <STDIN>);
  } while (($confirm ne "y" )&&( $confirm ne "n") &&( $confirm ne ""));
  if (($confirm eq "n") || ($username eq "")) {
    do {
      do {
         print "(s)kip this entry or (c)hange username: ";
         chop($confirm = <STDIN>);
      } while (($confirm ne "s" )&&( $confirm ne "c"));
      if ($confirm eq "s") 
         { return 0; } #skip this user
       print "Enter new username: ";
       chop($username = <STDIN>);
       print "Confirm \"@name\" as \"$username\" (y or n)";
       chop($confirm = <STDIN>);
     } while (($username ne "")  && ($confirm ne 'y') && ($confirm ne ""));

  #find duplicate usernames 
  # continue looping until $username is not in the uname2uid list
  while ($uname2uid {$username}) {

        # print the conflict
        print "$username requested for @name but found in:\n$passwd{$uname2uid {
        # ask if we should not create an account or change the username
        do {
          print "(s)kip account creation or (c)hange username: ";
          chop($confirm = <STDIN>);
        } while (($confirm ne "s" )&&( $confirm ne "c"));

        # skip this account and exit the function
        return 0 if ($confirm eq "s");

        do {

           #get a new username
           print "Enter new username: ";
           chop($username = <STDIN>);

           #confirm the new name
           print "Confirm \"@name\" as \"$username\"  (y or n)";
           chop($confirm = <STDIN>);

        } while (($confirm ne 'y') && ($confirm ne ""));


  return 1; #do this user

# BUILD_DATABASE: Build yp maps
sub build_database 
  print "Building password database... \n";
  system( $MAKE ) == 0 
    or die "failed to Make password database";

# OUTPUT_INFO: Output new passwd information
sub output_info 
    # make a backup copy of the passwd file
    rename("$NISfiles/passwd", "$NISfiles/passwd.old") || die "can't move passwd

    # write the new passwd file
    open PASSWD,">$NISfiles/passwd" or die "ERROR: can't write new passwd: $!\n"
    for (sort keys %passwd) 
        { print PASSWD $passwd{$_}, "\n" }
    close PASSWD;
    # make a backup copy of the shadow file
    rename("$NISfiles/shadow", "$NISfiles/shadow.old") || die "can't move $NISfi
les/shadow to $NISfiles/shadow.old: $!";

    # write the new shadow file
    open(SHADOW,">$NISfiles/shadow") or die "ERROR: can't write new shadow: $!\n
    for (sort keys %shadow) 
        { print SHADOW $shadow{$_}, "\n" }
    close SHADOW;       

# This saves the username and password from the newly created account
sub save_pass 
  print OUTPUT "*************************** ";
  print OUTPUT (scalar localtime),"\n\n";
  printf(OUTPUT " NAME: %20s %20s %20s \n\n",$name[0],$name[1],$name[2]);
  printf(OUTPUT " Your username is %15s \n",$username);
  printf(OUTPUT " Your password is %15s \n\n",$nv);
  print OUTPUT "After you login change your password with passwd \n\n";
  print OUTPUT "*************************************************************\n"

# read_user_name -- read the user info from the keyboard
sub read_new_user
        print "Enter user's first name: ";
        $name[0] = <STDIN>;
        chop ($name[0]);
        print "\nEnter user's middle initial: ";
        $name[1] = <STDIN>;
        chop ($name[1]);
        print "\nEnter user's last name: ";
        $name[2] = <STDIN>;
        chop ($name[2]);
        print "\n";

        ($firstinital) = ($name[0] =~ /^(.)/);
        ($middleinital) = ($name[1] =~ /^(.)/);
        $lastname = $name[2] ;

        #create a username from first inital, middle inital, and last name
        $username = join ("",$firstinital,$middleinital,$lastname);

        # change username to lowercase
        $username =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;


# choose_group -- prompt for the user's group membership
sub choose_group
    # by using list context, we read the group file quickly
    open GROUP, "<$NISfiles/group" or die "can't open group file in $NISfiles"; 
    @good_group = <GROUP>;
    close GROUP;
    print "-------------------------------------------\n"; 
    for $group (@good_group) {
        @line = split ':', $group;
        print $line[2], "\t", $line[0], "\n";
    print "-------------------------------------------\n";
    print "what group should the user be in\n";
    $gid = <STDIN>;
    chop ($gid);

# Checks CVS to see if the files are up to date and etc.
# not in use yet -- cbmasters
sub save_pass_cvs 
    my $quit = 0;
    my ($USER, %CVS_stat);

    # check if the USER or LOGNAME enviromental variable is set
    # if they are not set then set them.  This works since make and cvs
    # will inherit this enviroment when they are forked later

    unless ($ENV{LOGNAME} or $ENV{USER}) {
        print <<EOF
For CVS to properly update, you must set LOGNAME or USER
to your username.  Please enter you login name now.

    # read the username from stdin
    $USER = <STDIN>;

    # set the variables

    # check for CVSROOT and it is NOT defined then 
    # set it to the default from $CVSROOT
    if ($ENV{CVSROOT})
        { $CVSROOT = $ENV{CVSROOT} }
        print "WARNING: CVSROOT was not defined, so I set it to $CVSROOT\n";

    # The next set of steps check to see if the files under CVS control
    # are up to date.  

    # run a status on the nis files
    open CVS, "$CVS -Q status $NISfiles/passwd $NISfiles/shadow" or die "can't d
o $CVS status $NISfiles/passwd $NISfiles/shadow because $!";

    while (<CVS>) {
        #skip lines not about status
        next unless /^File:/;

        #save the Status of the passwd & shadow
        $CVS_stat{passwd} = $1 if /passwd\s*Status:\s*(\S+)/;
        $CVS_stat{shadow} = $1 if /shadow\s*Status:\s*(\S+)/;

    close CVS;

    #check if status was detected
    unless ($CVS_stat{shadow} and  $CVS_stat{passwd}) {
        print "$CVS -Q status did not return status for passwd and shadow";
        exit -1;

    # let the user know the status
    print "$NISfiles/passwd is $CVS_stat{passwd}\n$NISfiles/shadow is $CVS_stat{

    #if the files are not up to do the update them

    if ($CVS_stat{passwd} ne "Up-to-date" or ($CVS_stat{shadow} ne "Up-to-date")
    print <<EOF
One of the files was not up to date, please run the following command

#$CVS update $CVS_stat{passwd} $NISfiles/shadow

You might need this:


## end of file ##

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