Cutting n consecutive lines from a file...

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# 1  
Old 10-18-2002
Cutting n consecutive lines from a file...


I have this problem of separating 10 consecutive lines from a file, say starting from 21 to 30... I have used a filter like this..

head -n 30 myfile | tail -n 10

Is there a simpler way than this?
# 2  
Old 10-18-2002
Are you trying to do this in a script or as you view the file. Are you trying to save the text to a file?

If in an file editing with vi, do this.

vi filename

:21,30w newfile.out

That will save out the 10 lines in question.

If you are trying to script this, you can search this forum for capturing lines of text from a file. I have seen at least one thread before in the last 6 months.

# 3  
Old 10-18-2002
sed -n '21,30p' < myfile
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