How do i install in Linux?

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# 1  
Old 10-07-2002
Question How do i install in Linux?

I'm new to Linux & Unix in general. I have a system running Windows XP & i have a Linux RedHat 7.0 guest OS running in a Virtual Machine (VMware 3.0) now, i have to install the VMware tools for the Linux OS but i don't know how to install anything in Linux. How do i go about it? (i already have the files in the temp folder & i have untared it)

Note: the install file has a *.pl extension
# 2  
Old 10-07-2002
first look at the README file, do waht that says, also look for a text file named INSTALL, if you are not sure if it is an executable just use less, type less filename to read the text file, you will know if it is code or binary in which it will tell you if it is a binary file and ask you to proceed, just hit no. the install program can be run by just typingthe name of the file, if that dosnt work , type ./
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