10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Red Hat
Do you know what cause the error message ?
Nov 19 13:42:19 cfsasnd02 sshd: pam_env(sshd:setcred): non-alphanumeric key '-- /etc/environment' in /etc/environment', ignoring
Nov 19 13:42:20 cfsasnd02 sshd: pam_env(sshd:setcred): non-alphanumeric key '-- /etc/environment' in... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: xitrum
0 Replies
2. AIX
AIX 6.1
sshd worked fine.
Then I upgraded my AIX from 6100-02-04-0920 to 6100-03-10-1119 successfully(no errors, nothing unusual). After reboot sshd was not started, 3 errors in errpt:
# lssrc -s sshd
Subsystem Group PID Status
sshd ssh ... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: vilius
0 Replies
3. Solaris
I have shamelessly tried all the possible ways to see if my /var/adm/loginlog logs user access entries for ssh but nothing has worked for me so far..:confused:
for telnet login its working fine.
Adding auth.info in syslog.conf works but i dont want that output.
Is there any way to edit... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: ningy
2 Replies
4. Solaris
I was able to putty a few server (Solaris 10) of mine using hostname, but when i change to ip address, it shows
login as: root
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Access denied
I change PermitRootLogin to yes. I tried to do a sshd restart, however
... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: beginningDBA
6 Replies
5. Solaris
I´m trying to make Solaris authenticate users in AD. NTP is working, nsswitch.ldap is listed above, DNS is Ok and I made something different in pam.conf, krb5.conf and sshd_config (see above)
passwd: files ldap
group: files ldap
hosts: files dns
ipnodes: ... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: mpcavalcanti
0 Replies
6. Solaris
My ssh log appear to the screen which i want it to be log to /var/log/sshd.log
how to log the sshd to /var/log? (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: hezry79
5 Replies
7. AIX
I installed OpenSSH on AIX 5.1 but when I try to start it, it says:
bash-2.05a# /usr/sbin/sshd
bash-2.05a# tail /var/adm/syslog.out
Jan 8 11:52:22 xyz sshd: fatal: Cannot bind any address.
:confused: (31 Replies)
Discussion started by: untamed
31 Replies
8. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Can someone tell me the difference between the (2) listed below:
oracle pts/1 ip1 May1 7:11 9:11
oracle sshd ip1 May1 7:11 8:22
How do I read the above information, the fact that the row for pts/1 has a longer time duration than the row for sshd. Why is the... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: banyan
2 Replies
9. AIX
I made the installation of the ssh in the it conspires,
I configured in the ssh_config the following
SyslogFacility AUTH
LogLevel INFO
that should generate sshd.log in the /var/log.... more no this generating.
Somebody could help myself in... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: sandba
0 Replies
10. AIX
need some clarification:
if i ssh to the server & i restart the sshd process, did my connection gone?
one more thing, there are a few sshd processes in aix, how do i restart it all to read new config? using HUP?
thanks in advance! (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: ashterix
2 Replies