Help with date and time diff

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# 1  
Old 09-19-2002
Help with date and time diff

Hi ,

Can somebody please help me with this.
The date format is in MM/DD/YY HH24:MI:SS

suppose I have a start_date=09/03/02 04:15:02
& Finish date= 09/04/02 07:13:51

I want to find out the difference between the two ie finish_time-start time.
How can I do this.
Morever I want the output in HH:MI:SI as well.

# 2  
Old 09-19-2002
How about:
#! /usr/bin/ksh

typeset -Z2 ehour eminute esecond

Start="09/03/02 04:15:02"
Finish="09/04/02 07:13:51"

IFS=" /:"
echo $Start | read smonth sday syear shour sminute ssecond
echo $Finish | read fmonth fday fyear fhour fminute fsecond

sjd=$(datecalc -j $syear $smonth $sday)
fjd=$(datecalc -j $fyear $fmonth $fday)

echo $Finish
echo $Start
echo ${ehour}:${eminute}:${esecond}
exit 0

This uses my datecalc script which I have previously posted.
# 3  
Old 09-19-2002
I did a google search and found this Perl module:

Perhaps that's of use to you?
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