solaris xwindows on linux

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# 1  
Old 09-18-2002
solaris xwindows on linux

Im trying to set up a linux box (red hat) as an xserver desktop for solaris 2.6. On the solaris box I type:

export DISPLAY=hostname:5
xclock &

I then get the error message:

XLIB: connection to "[hostname]:5.0" refused by server
XLIB: Client is not autohorised to connect to server
Error: Can't open display: [hostname]:5

Im not exactly sure whether this is a solaris or a linux issue. Has anynoe got any ideas?
# 2  
Old 09-18-2002
Check on the "client" that it accepts x-connections from the server.

This can be done with the xhost command

man xhost for details.

xhost + allows any machine to send x-data. Try it out..

this should be done at the machine that will display the

Good Luck!
/Unix Peter
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