Frontpage extensions

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# 1  
Old 05-21-2001
Hi everyone. I'm trying to install Frontpage extensions capacity on my web server and getting this error:

./ line 59: 6763 Segmentation fault /usr/local/frontpage/version${VERSION}/bin/fpsrvadm.exe -o install -p $port $web $config -u $admin $server $chown -m ""
ERROR: / installation failed.
Hit enter to continue
Exiting due to an error! Please fix the error and try again.

Has anyone ever encountered this, or know of it's resolution? It's very odd since it worked on a test bed server I had at home, but not on the live machine. I also have apache running on the live machine. OS is Red Hat 7.1.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

# 2  
Old 08-08-2001
Does Unix Support FrontPage extensions

I recently asked my web host to switch my site from an NT server to a Unix server because my web designer knew the code for unix and not for NT. But my web designer does not always have the time to update my site. I do not know code, but am very good with FrontPage. So when I tried to update my site with Frontpage on Unix my Web Host said Unix does not support Frontpage Extensions. Is this True? I am thinking it might not be if your trying to set it up on your webserver. Can anyone help with this? Thanks in advance.
# 3  
Old 08-09-2001
UNIX without being programmed to, will not host front page extensions that I know of.

Key here is "without being programmed to"

A computer is a computer. C and it's flavors are portable.

I bet "maddog" could make it happen Smilie


# 4  
Old 08-09-2001

You DO realize of course that by giving that Web Server FRONT PAGE extensions you open yourself toall the exploits that are inherent to iis.

My point of view is...... Smilie

I stick to apache.

I had my Web site hosted on a Front Page box and it was splashed.

It now resides on an Apache box.

It can be hacked, but it is a bit more difficult.

I can FTP my files alot quicker than trying to get front Page to make a connection and HTTP the data to it.

One more thing, when I code my HTML, I have so much more flexability over my work than being tied to what the text editor in Front Page allows me to do.



go have some fun!

# 5  
Old 08-09-2001
Most of what you say is valid, however the frontpage extensions are compiled into the apache binary and hence the security implications are not great - it is not converting apache to IIS (God forbid).

Obtaining skills in html and other web languages is always the best way to go when YOU are the person making that decision - when you're running a web hosting company you have to cater for your clients and a lot of them are people who don't wish to get into the details but use a WYSIWYG web page generator, and this more often than not means frontpage.

So in the interests of business you often have to grit your teeth and submit to introducing such things into this beautiful OS Smilie

# 6  
Old 08-09-2001

It can be hacked, but it is a bit more difficult.
Cracked. It can be cracked...

# 7  
Old 08-09-2001

Yes, it can be cracked. Smilie
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