help using acct

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# 1  
Old 08-27-2002
Question help using acct

Hi everybody,

I'm Sun Solaris, I have problems on figuring out how i can start acct in unix. I understand how this accounting write in a file in /var/adm/wtmp. And with "acctcom -b " shows end part of all commands that were written in it. And "accton" shuts off this reporting. My question how Do I turn it on. There are so many types of accounting in unix. I just need it to report all users actions in the system with date and time. I don't need anything like cpu usage or block usage. Can anyone help??

Thanks Smilie


Smilie Smilie

Last edited by oombera; 02-18-2004 at 02:09 PM..
# 2  
Old 08-27-2002
will turn accounting off

cd /var/adm
"accton pacct"
will start account to the pacct file.

But these are called by the "turnacct" script. And "turnacct" is called by "startup", and "shutacct". See "man acctsh". Those are the scripts that you should be using.
# 3  
Old 08-28-2002

Smilie Thanks
# 4  
Old 08-28-2002
Originally posted by Perderabo
will turn accounting off

cd /var/adm
"accton pacct"
will start account to the pacct file.

But these are called by the "turnacct" script. And "turnacct" is called by "startup", and "shutacct". See "man acctsh". Those are the scripts that you should be using.

it really makes ya want to start singing. and the knee bones connected to the thigh bone.....
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