Copy all files

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# 1  
Old 08-24-2002
Copy all files

I use Darwin on my Mac, and want to download my entire homepage from an ftp-server, including the subfolder's subfolders.

How can I do this without copying every single file?
# 2  
Old 08-24-2002

One option, don't use FTP, user HTTP:

Search the net for wget, download and compile......
# 3  
Old 08-25-2002

? wget?

I'm a completely dummie, so I'll need it in basic cleartext. <Smilie

Are you saying that I have to download and compile something in order to copy my files? Isn't there a simple command? (or is wget the command I sohuld use?)

Last edited by 42!?; 09-01-2002 at 01:21 PM..
# 4  
Old 08-25-2002
No, I'm not saying that you must use wget. I'm saying that my recommendation is that you learn to use wget if you want to pull down (copy) ALL HTML files on a file server and keep the directories and links in tact.

There are many, many ways to copy files and transfer them to other machines. You may use FTP if you choose, but it is not they way I would do it. I rarely use FTP anymore and generally use other utilities for file transfer.

Perhaps others care to explain how to do this using FTP?
# 5  
Old 08-25-2002
Have you tried this as well as this site. They may be of use to you.

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