what is suid ?

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# 1  
Old 07-11-2002
what is suid ?

what is SUID ? can someone explain or point me to a link ?


# 2  
Old 07-11-2002
SUID stands for "Set User-ID". If the suid bit is enable on an executable, then whenever that program is run the process will take on the privilege of whoever the file owner is. For example if I have a suid binary which is owned by "root" and I execute it as my normal (non-root) user name, it will execute with all the permissions of root. There is also SGID which is Set Group-ID -- similar concept. Obviously this can be very dangerous, so it is recommended that you set an executable to suid only if you are absolutely certain that it is safe to do so.
# 3  
Old 07-18-2002
thanks PxT, that was a very good explanation :-)

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