execute a script

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# 1  
Old 07-04-2002
execute a script

Okay, a more basic question will be hard to find, but I'm a first time Unix user and I can't get a script starting.
I'm the owner of te script, I can change te script but when I want to execute it, it can't be found????

$ ls -l gives:
-rwxr-x--x db_call_checkup

$ db_call_checkup gives:
ksh: db_call_checkup: not found

Content of cat db_call_checkup =
echo "bla"

Can it be that I don't have any rights to execute scripts at all?
# 2  
Old 07-04-2002
I think that the directory containing db_call_checkup is not specified in the list of paths in your profile

to execute it, type


or you can add the path to your profile, or move the script to a path in your profile.
# 3  
Old 07-08-2002
Bug Thanks Kevin!

Yes, it worked !

I finally executed the script.


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