How do I start a program when I start my Computer?

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# 1  
Old 06-23-2002
How do I start a program when I start my Computer?

I'm running MAC OS X and I'm wondering how I start 'nixey programs (not normal apps) on startup? Things like the dnet client and hxd Hotline Server. Anyone know?
# 2  
Old 06-23-2002
You can write a script and place it under your /etc/rc2.d/ It will execute upon startup.



case $state in 

ulimit -n 512 
/usr/tmp/nixey/ -bd # start nixey
kill -15 `cat /etc/` 
echo "Usage: S96shield { start | stop }" 

The above is an Example. A small definition on how you can set your program upon startup. Iam showing this example so you can setup the program first then write a sample program as shown above. Anyway im not MAC OS oriented. Sp try to install the Software "Nixey" then play around with it on starting up the program process.
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