deleting record file

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers deleting record file
# 1  
Old 04-23-2001

if in my file consist with record like this :


And I want to delete record
which substring(record,1,3)="AAA".

Is it possible to do that (deleting specific record) by unix shell script or perl without coding any high level language (like C or java).
if it is possible, what is the command/ statement ?

thank's for your kind answer.
# 2  
Old 04-24-2001
There are several ways to do it in shell scripts and more in perl. If you want to get rid of all lines that have AAA in them, this will work.
cat file | grep -v "AAA" > file2
mv file2 file

If you are looking for a different result, read the man page on sed.
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