Reproducing windows terminal server

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# 1  
Old 06-14-2002
Java Reproducing windows terminal server

I'm brand spankin new to unix. What software would or could I use to reproduce what windows terminal server and citrix metaframe accomplish? To explain that, how do I create a server-based graphical desktop that can be accessed from a dumb terminal? Specificity is appreciated because I'm clueless when it comes to UNIX. Thanks!
Here's my site, for more
# 2  
Old 06-14-2002
don't know much about this stuff but here is a project I read about around a year ago in linux journal:
maybe this will help Smilie
# 3  
Old 06-14-2002
Are you wanting to access Windows Terminal Services from Unix or just a similiar type setup?

If you wish to connect Unix to Windows Terminal Services then take a gander at (It's a starting point at the Citrix website)

If you just want to have a similiar setup, check out VNC or TightVNC. I have used both of the VNCs with success.
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