Converting the File Creation Date to a new format

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# 1  
Old 06-12-2002
Question Converting the File Creation Date to a new format

I need to capture a file's creation/modification date and time and convert this to a different format, whilst I can easily get the existing format from a ls -l | awk ' { print $......}' or a cut command I do not know how to convert it to a desired format?

I should add that at present the ls -l on the system I am using gives a date format of:-

ls -l |awk '{print $7" "$6" "$8" "} '

30 May 22:44
17 May 10:06

Whilst I need the format to be YYYY.MM.DD

eg 2002.05.10

any ideas much appreciated

Last edited by barney_clough; 06-12-2002 at 10:18 AM..
# 2  
Old 06-12-2002
Hi there.

You need to convert it to what kind of format? DD-MM-YYYY? If you wanto to switch the position of 'ls -l' creation/modification date, you can use the same command that you used, exchanging the posistion of the fields that awk gets. EX.

ls -l |awk '{print $7" "$6" "$8" "} '

to display it in DD-MM-YYYY(TIME)
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