change spaces to underscores script !!!

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# 1  
Old 05-31-2002
change spaces to underscores script !!!

Hi everybody!
Im not good in scripting and I need a script to take all the files with spaces in their names and change it to underscores.

alice cooper.mp3 >> alice_cooper.mp3

Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 06-01-2002
If the content of your file is equal of your example, you can do this :

cat your_file | awk '{ print $1"_"$2 }' >> your_new_file


echo alice cooper.mp3 | awk '{ print $1"_"$2 }'

example :

[root@witt01 ~]$ echo alice cooper.mp3 | awk '{ print $1"_"$2 }'

I hope help you !

# 3  
Old 06-05-2002
for each in *.mp3; do
mv "$each" $(echo $each|sed "s/ /_/g")

It's not the fastest way to do it, but it should work pretty well...
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