why are some unix versions licensed ?

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# 1  
Old 05-24-2002
why are some unix versions licensed ?

Like Unix Sco for example , i know that unix is available for free, maybe some utilities cost money...What is special about Unix Sco???
# 2  
Old 05-24-2002
There is really nothing "better or special" about the vast majority of licensed UNIX operating systems compared to unlicensed versions.... HOWEVER keep in mind that most unlicensed software is really licensed under some general use license, like the GPL...

on the other hand, software companies that have large support staff to support their software need to license their software. Many large businesses must operate using a model that outsources technical support and cannot easily operate with unlicensed software. For example, if you are a very large company and use unlicensed, free software that someone just 'pulled from the net' and something went wrong (like a major security breach) that costs the large company millions of dollars, the large company need to be able to pass some or all of the 'blame' or 'liability' to the software vendor.

There are other variations on this theme..... all have to do with how companies manage operational risk. As always, the bottom line is about business ($$$) and politics (blame, liability, other similar issues).

Hope this helps a bit.

# 3  
Old 06-13-2002
that's not true that unix is free. there are flavours of unix (linux, bsd etc...) that are under GPL but all other UNIXes have always been commercial and carried high price tag. Take a look at HP-UX for example Smilie
That's actually the main reason why GNU appeared.
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