using if with wild card patterns

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# 1  
Old 05-17-2002
using if with wild card patterns


Please help me.

Suppose I have a file which contains files like:
My file :/tmp/rooh_20020518.lst
it consists:
ASI00390228095244URD14 ASI00390228095244URD07

These files actually exist in a directory along with other files :/home/rooh

Now I want to move the files like ASI*URD* to /tmp/rooh1
and ASI*KER* to /tmp/rooh2

I am trying to do it like this but it doesn't work:
for file in `cat /tmp/rooh_20020518.lst`
if [ -f /home/rooh/$file ]; then
if [ "/home/rooh/$file" = ASI*KER* ]; then
mv /home/rooh/$file /tmp/rooh2
elif [ "/home/rooh/$file" = ASI*URD* ]; then
mv /home/rooh/$file /tmp/rooh1
echo " file ASI does not exist"
echo " file does not exist in /home/rooh"

But this doesn't work.
Please help and advice

# 2  
Old 05-18-2002
You don't say which shell you are using. If it's ksh or bash, try this:
if [[ /home/rooh/$file = ASI*KER* ]] ; then
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