Global PATH setting

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Global PATH setting
# 1  
Old 04-04-2001

I am using Solaris 8 and I want to change the PATH setting for all users. I have edited /etc/profile, but when I log in and check the PATH variable, it hasn't changed.

Am I missing something?
# 2  
Old 04-04-2001
It is probably being rewritten in their .profile, .cshrc or .bashrc file. /etc/profile is sourced first, then the $HOME/.profile, then shell specific files.
# 3  
Old 04-04-2001
I checked the users .profile and this is exactly what is happening.

Many thanks!
# 4  
Old 07-20-2001
setting PATH for root

i am running solaris 8 and i have a similar problem. i can edit the .cshrc files for different users to change their PATH, but i want to add other directories to the path for root. however, i can't find a .profile or .cshrc in the / directory. i looked in the /etc/profile file, and there is no entry for PATH. how do i add a directory to the path for root? what about changing the shell of the root from /sbin/sh to /usr/bin/csh?

Thanks in advance for the help.

# 5  
Old 07-20-2001
if you want to create .cshrc for root, just create
the file /.cshrc and change login shell to csh.

# 6  
Old 07-20-2001
Originally posted by yellowfish
if you want to create .cshrc for root, just create
the file /.cshrc and change login shell to csh.

Be careful when chaning root's shell. /usr may not be available at boot time if it is not part of the root filesystem, which would make your shell unavailable. Many machines will refuse to boot properly in this case. Your root shell should also be statically linked to avoid the need to any libs that might be in /usr
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