Inserting specific lines in vi

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# 1  
Old 04-29-2002
Inserting specific lines in vi

How can I insert, say lines 500 - 700 from another file into the current file on the current line (cursor) that I am editing while in vi (AIX).

I know how to insert the entire file but how do you do it when you only need certain lines from a huge file?

I've referenced my Unix Unleash book but it doesn't say...

# 2  
Old 04-29-2002
:r !sed -n '500,700p' < anotherfile

But I rarely happen to know that I need exactly those lines. What I do is first "vi insert", read in the other file, delete what I don't want, then edit the real file and read in insert.
# 3  
Old 05-01-2002
here's another solution, but you'll need a vi-clone that
supports multiple 'windows' (e.g Vim, Elvis etc..):

$ vi currentfile

:split anotherfile

highlight lines 500 - 700

Insert lines in current file
Move down to the other file (^wj) and press:

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