create a ~/www directory?

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers create a ~/www directory?
# 1  
Old 04-28-2002
Data create a ~/www directory?

How do I create a ~/www directory in Linux. I want to make a web space for a few perl scripts I need to test. I have an account on a Linux server and I am telnetting to the account from a windows 2000 machine. How can I actually make a virtual directory?

I know by creating a www directory nothing happens. I need to so something more. What am I supposed to do???

I need a reply ASAP as I have a presentation on Monday.

# 2  
Old 04-28-2002
If you want to make a "webspace" (means you want to host HTML,etc. pages or .PL scripts on that space), you need to have a web server installed on that Linux server, and you need to find the path to your home directory from the web server (e.g. if your username is "abc", maybe the webserver is addressing your hom directory as ,etc.
# 3  
Old 04-28-2002
If you want to create a ~www directory you need to create a www user.

If you want to create a ~/www directory in linux you simply cd ~ and then make a directory there (in the working directory of ~).

~ is a symbol for the home directory of the user... based on the userid of the shell environment you are currently in (using).
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