Unix shell thats supports IRCd?

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# 1  
Old 04-27-2002
Question Unix shell thats supports IRCd?

Does anybody know of a FREE Unix shell thats supports IRCd and/or Eggdrops? I am not looking for answers like 'Go buy one!' or 'Too bad, you want find one.'


# 2  
Old 04-28-2002
Another answer that you can find, search in the Internet. First of all read the forumrules. This is a Unix Q&A forum For unix shell on IRC/D, IRC or eggdrops try to find it on the Internet.
# 3  
Old 04-29-2002

Hmm... okay, I don't quite understand what you're trying to say But it sounds like 'go away'. Amd yes, I already searched on the internet, you think i didn't? Thanks for the help.
# 4  
Old 04-30-2002
I'm not aware of any... That can become very taxing on bandwidth and system time.

You may find a little server that will allow it, but no shell provider I have ever used would allow that for free - many do not even allow outbound network connection (telnet, ftp, etc).

You may look into building yourself one, though! It'll give you a lot of practice with the system, and you could do whatever you want with it. It shouldn't cost too much...
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